Well-Known Member
One of my rag relatives was on the phone this morning and he honestly stated that he was thinking of supporting this cowboy outfit, when I pointed out to him that to my best recollection he hadn't attended a united game in my memory he just went on about not being able to afford it and that tickets for all games are like wonka tickets.
When challenged about what he wanted to see changed he said nothing about his so called club, he just wanted to see the new money booted out because it wasn't fair. He's a good sort really but common sense flies out of the window when he tries to register the absolute stupidity and hypocrisy of his views concerning anything football.
When challenged about what he wanted to see changed he said nothing about his so called club, he just wanted to see the new money booted out because it wasn't fair. He's a good sort really but common sense flies out of the window when he tries to register the absolute stupidity and hypocrisy of his views concerning anything football.