FC United Thread

Breaking news: Reaction of FCSCUM fans to recent turmoil of their beloved (2nd) club!

Breaking news: Reaction of FCSCUM fans to recent turmoil of their beloved (2nd) club!


You're giving them far too much credit. They will have no problem changing their allegiances to another club. The alleged corruption of the current board is nothing new to them and a perfect excuse to turn coat. They have a history of giving up and running somewhere else when the going gets tough. It's just a shame it's happening this year when the rags are still shit. They won't want to go back now. Peter Lim will be rubbing his hands together.
Editor to David Conn: ''Hey David, I hear of a club where fans are unhappy with the board.''

Conn: ''Go on''

Editor: ''Allegations of brown envelopes being given to friends of the board, jobs given to friends of the board, lack of clear transparency from the board to shareholders, allegations of financial mismanagement''

Conn: ''I'm on their case boss, you know I love exposing these corrupt clubs, who is it?''

Editor: ''FC United of Manchester....... hello...David, David, are you there?''
Kit Out the Cabin Crowdfunder deadline extended

In a little under four weeks we have raised just over 50% of our Crowdfunder target of £15,000 to enable us to kit out a cabin at Broadhurst Park. We had hoped to have reached our target by the deadline date but that has not proved possible. Following consultation with Crowdfunder.co.uk, we have decided to extend the deadline for our Kit Out the Cabin campaign by four weeks.

The building is worth thousands of pounds and it has been donated to us for free. We think it will be a great addition to what we already have on offer and did not want to turn down the opportunity. The foundations are already in and the £15,000 we are looking to raise will allow us to complete the siting of the cabin and fit it out. Raising the funds in this way avoids having to dip into club funds for the project when those funds are needed for other work around the ground.

The new modular building will have a number of uses:

• used by our academy scholars during term time
• used by our community staff for delivery of additional outreach work
• used by our Diggers group when working on site to get a brew and a rest when not ‘digging’
• used to serve refreshments to those making bookings on the artificial pitch
• on a match day to provide space to serve refreshments
• on a match day to give our volunteers some additional space

The fundraising has picked up momentum in the last couple of weeks and we believe that by extending the deadline we can reach our target. The arrival of the cabins from their current location has also been delayed due to bad weather which gives us additional time to extend and fund the kit it out campaign.

We really appreciate the support of all those who have pledged their support to date. With more than £8,000 raised so far and the comments we have received shows the depth of the support we have. Some of those comments are listed below.

“Invest in the future and the future will be bright. To paraphrase John Lennon ‘give youth a chance.’”

“This is a great cause because it is exactly what FCUM stand for - supporting and engaging with the local community.”

“All the best with the project, sounds like the cabin will be a very popular place.”

Extending the deadline for the campaign until Friday 8 April 2016 gives us four extra weeks to raise £6,220, less than half of what we have already raised in the first four weeks of the campaign.
The Animal Farm reference is most apposite, for various reasons.
You're giving them far too much credit. They will have no problem changing their allegiances to another club. The alleged corruption of the current board is nothing new to them and a perfect excuse to turn coat. They have a history of giving up and running somewhere else when the going gets tough. It's just a shame it's happening this year when the rags are still shit. They won't want to go back now. Peter Lim will be rubbing his hands together.
Well if they're headed to valencia they better be ready for manuel ;-)

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