FCUnited - This City is still ours

RBmk2 said:
As Dyed Petya has said eralier in the thread,these people actually believe that anyone outside their lttle group gives a flying one about anything they say.
They are so utterly self obsessed with themselves and their "importance" that they totally forget that they are a struggling non-league club in every way except mindset.

Champagne ambitions on beer wages.

No ground of their own.
No money.
Tiny fanbase.

Not just a tiny fanbase but a tiny fanbase with a proven track record of jumping ship when the going gets tough.
In fact as fans go, you'd have to say they are the most disloyal set of deluded wankstains in the UK
Potwatico or whatever his fucking name is and his empty threat akin to an evil tyrant threatening world domination has had me smiling and pissing my sides all day long and for that, thanks.

Keep posting my green and gold jestered hat fuckwit, you are pure comedy gold :-)
blueinsa said:
Potwatico or whatever his fucking name is and his empty threat akin to an evil tyrant threatening world domination has had me smiling and pissing my sides all day long and for that, thanks.

Keep posting my green and gold jestered hat fuckwit, you are pure comedy gold :-)

Fucking Politico - they really have let this peoples club nonsense go to their heads, he thinks he's Leon Trotsky!

Sheikh Mansour must be shitting himself tonight - Politico is going to bring his empire down!
Newest(last) comment on the MEN story about funding being withdrawn.

Tony Nuttall, Barnsley (05/03/2011 at 22:24)

This report is wrong.......FC United has not given up its stadium plan. The Council has indicated that it may not be possible for FC to proceed at Newton Heath. The Council has been forced into a review by the Government's reckless public expenditure cuts.

This is a shame. As Rob Ayres says, FC developing Ten Acres would have been of enormous benefit to Newton Heath and surrounding communities. This is because FC United is committed both to community involvement on its site and reaching out into communities to promote sport and wider social action, a model that all football clubs should have.

I don't blame the Council........its hand is being forced.

But, to anyone anxious to write FC off, dream on! We fully intend to build our ground and build our supporter owned club. We have raised £1.66m ourselves towards the cost of our ground. By the summer we will have raised £2m. We are 6th in our League, with every chance of the play-offs and promotion to the Conference. We had a great run in the FA Cup, through to a second round replay, a fantastic achievement for a non-league club. Today we had an attendance of 2156 at Gigg Lane. We have nearly 3500 members, who, unlike at most other football clubs, can vote on all the important policy decisions.

We are thriving.........no need to feel sorry for us. Indeed, who would not want to be a part of that? We say to all true football lovers, come on get on board with us!

*Make no mistake, we are Reds, love Manchester United and respect Manchester United fans whether they come to watch us or not. It's great when they celebrate that we have beaten Rochdale. We are Reds together. Two United but the Soul is One!*

And on the stadium plans, read the Council's statement. I think you will find the Council appreciates our contribution to Manchester and remains committed to helping us to get our own ground

Added underneath comment. I've kept them seperate.

Council Statement:

"Manchester City Council has announced that the proposal to develop a football ground with community sports provision at Ten Acres Lane in partnership with FC United will be under review.

As a result of the challenging local government settlement, the Council has to ensure that any available resources are optimised and deliver the very best for Manchester. The Council has therefore had to revisit its spending plans and examine other opportunities for securing a football facility within the city.

The Council acknowledges the immense amount of energy, time and effort that FC United and its members have invested in the Ten Acres Lane proposal to date and remain absolutely committed to helping FC United achieve its ambition of building a new ground in time for the 2012-13 season.

It shares the club’s vision for improving and developing football and sports provision and to that end, the Council is seeking to examine the most financially viable solution for a ground and community football facilities in the city, which makes the most use of Council resources. The City Council will carry out detailed feasibility work to enable a preferred option to be brought forward.

The Council and FC United have committed to producing a detailed report within the next month outlining the preferred option and the benefits to the local community. The Council will continue to work with FC United to raise investment for funding from the Football Foundation, Sport England and any other external funding partners, in order to secure a strong community offer in Manchester.

Both parties are aware of the commitment and support shown for the Ten Acres Lane proposal by many thousands of people, not least the residents of Newton Heath and FC United’s members and the partners are committed to bringing forward a proposal which will benefit both community football and the residents of Manchester, while making the most of available Council resources.

Regardless of the outcome of the report, the Council remains committed to Ten Acres Lane and continuing with maintaining the community use of this facility. The Club and the Council will reveal full details of the preferred option for the stadium and the plans for Ten Acres Lane by the end of March 2011.

Eddie Smith, Chief Executive of New East Manchester said: "We have to review these proposals in the light of the funding cuts necessitated by the government’s settlement. But we remain committed to working closely with the club to examine options for plans which both meet their ambitions and deliver the widest possible community benefits."

Statement Ends’
Gaudino said:
politico said:
the end of March, I was at the fc united meeting on Sat, the contents of which are private but I will share one piece of info for you amusing posters and LURKERS on here.

From someone who's post count shows he's been lurking here on BM since 2008....rags and hypocrisy goes hand in hand as ever.

NB, Bury. You are from Bury. Not Manchester.

No posts in over 3 years until Friday. But what's even more priceless, and I'm surprised that no eagle-eyed BM'ers have spotted this yet, isn't just the 2008 join date but that he signed up on Sunday February 10th 2008 at 5.54PM - about a couple of hours or so after we beat the Rags 2-1 at The Swamp!
M18CTID said:
Gaudino said:
From someone who's post count shows he's been lurking here on BM since 2008....rags and hypocrisy goes hand in hand as ever.

NB, Bury. You are from Bury. Not Manchester.

No posts in over 3 years until Friday. But what's even more priceless, and I'm surprised that no eagle-eyed BM'ers have spotted this yet, isn't just the 2008 join date but that he signed up on Sunday February 10th 2008 at 5.54PM - about a couple of hours or so after we beat the Rags 2-1 at The Swamp!

OOooooh good skills there dude ;-)
M18CTID said:
Gaudino said:
From someone who's post count shows he's been lurking here on BM since 2008....rags and hypocrisy goes hand in hand as ever.

NB, Bury. You are from Bury. Not Manchester.

No posts in over 3 years until Friday. But what's even more priceless, and I'm surprised that no eagle-eyed BM'ers have spotted this yet, isn't just the 2008 join date but that he signed up on Sunday February 10th 2008 at 5.54PM - about a couple of hours or so after we beat the Rags 2-1 at The Swamp!


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