FCUnited - This City is still ours

politico said:
Having read through a lot of info this is how it works and all fans should be aware.

The owners of City know that under UEFA RULES in a couple of years they will not be able to spend more than they can earn.

So in order to maximise revenue they are buying cheap land with a Metro going through it (paid for by all of us) to build Sports, leisure and retail on a huge scale. As they will be a major part of the consortium they will eventually reap the dividend from all this. Naming rights etc etc

This will mean they are able to keep on spending big lumps as they will be earning big lumps from new east Manchester

It states in the MEN article that City have the Say on development in the area-and a map on here shows the TAL site within it, so it must come as no surprise that they don't want a fly in the ointment that is FC United. Besides the demographics will change and they don't want a fan owned club that is red on the doorstep.

locals in Newton Heath have invested in the FC COMMUNITY SHARES and will be surprised this morning that they have become part of Blue Masterplan.

The money being invested is in the hands of a rich elite who have no democratic legitimacy, and if what is happening throughout the Middle East were replicated in Abu Dhabi then this project could come to a grinding halt and leave MCC with an Ostrich size piece of egg on their face.

Interesting times as ever-but this affects both MCFC,FCUM directly and MUFC indirectly ****

What the fuck has it got to do with MUFC seeing as they're within the boundaries of Trafford borough council?

And why should "FC self-indulgent wank" be immune from the cuts when childrens centres,libraries,swimming pools,youth centres are being closed?

FC United is a rag joke-always has been,always will be.

A silly "protest" movement by a bunch of "look at me" ship jumpers...a collection of fair-weather clowns,rag shirt wearing ex-hoolies singing "Cantona" songs....a vehicle for the self-indulgent...created in order to be able to bring their "safety in numbers" and "we do what we want" playground bullying philosophy to the lower leagues...lanced and removed for good.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.
RBmk2 said:
politico said:
Having read through a lot of info this is how it works and all fans should be aware.

The owners of City know that under UEFA RULES in a couple of years they will not be able to spend more than they can earn.

So in order to maximise revenue they are buying cheap land with a Metro going through it (paid for by all of us) to build Sports, leisure and retail on a huge scale. As they will be a major part of the consortium they will eventually reap the dividend from all this. Naming rights etc etc

This will mean they are able to keep on spending big lumps as they will be earning big lumps from new east Manchester

It states in the MEN article that City have the Say on development in the area-and a map on here shows the TAL site within it, so it must come as no surprise that they don't want a fly in the ointment that is FC United. Besides the demographics will change and they don't want a fan owned club that is red on the doorstep.

locals in Newton Heath have invested in the FC COMMUNITY SHARES and will be surprised this morning that they have become part of Blue Masterplan.

The money being invested is in the hands of a rich elite who have no democratic legitimacy, and if what is happening throughout the Middle East were replicated in Abu Dhabi then this project could come to a grinding halt and leave MCC with an Ostrich size piece of egg on their face.

Interesting times as ever-but this affects both MCFC,FCUM directly and MUFC indirectly ****

What the fuck has it got to do with MUFC seeing as they're within the boundaries of Trafford borough council?

And why should "FC self-indulgent wank" be immune from the cuts when childrens centres,libraries,swimming pools,youth centres are being closed?

FC United is a rag joke-always has been,always will be.

A silly "protest" movement by a bunch of "look at me" ship jumpers...a collection of fair-weather clowns,rag shirt wearing ex-hoolies singing "Cantona" songs....a vehicle for the self-indulgent...created in order to be able to bring their "safety in numbers" and "we do what we want" playground bullying philosophy to the lower leagues...lanced and removed for good.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

black mamba said:
Well that's scuppered their plans , at least until they find somewhere else anyroad .......

maybe it's finally struck the clueless Council muppets that the money would be better off designated for fillin' thousands of fuckin' potholes in!

New ground for WannabeMANUre or fillin' in potholes? I vote for the potholes rather than the clotpoles.
weejh said:
Just received a text from my fc supporting mate, who I was chatting with lastnight about this, and he seems to think that the reason fc have been turned down is because we want the site? Is this true? I haven't read anything that says it is?

FC and their fans seem to me really to have an inflated sense of their own importance.

The fact is that MCC is faced with having to make dramatic cuts across the board. In the current political and economic circumstances, the Council can no longer justify spending £650K on that project. Very simple.

I can assure you that the people who count at MCFC really couldn't give a shit about FC. It's possible that the community aspects of the 10 Acres Lane will be covered in the context of the Eastlands masterplan given that the FC stadium project is now dead, and indeed that's mentioned in the Eastlands consultation document. But the idea of City deliberately killing off FC's move is laughable.

If FC had the means to implement the project itself and, in doing so, provide its proposed community benefits, MCC and MCFC would only be too happy to let them. As they can't and as we're about to embark on an area regeneration plan that will see private investment in community sport on an unprecedented scale, we may step in and provide substitute community benefits.

If we do, it won't be because we always intended to do so - anyone with an IQ above 30 should see that. Those sad, self-mythologising knobs will still never shut up about it, though.
So let me get this right.

FC United are the new Manchester Central to the power n?

They are fighting against City, United, The Council, The UN Security Council, The Church of England, The UK Government, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Capitalism and Corporate America in order to remain the voice and embodiment of all that is good in football?

Just checking as I am at a loss as to why we aren't all on their side if that is the case, after all we love an underdog don't we.
Overheard a conversation in Wetherspoons before a City v Arsenal game in 2008 between a Gooner and Fc Ushited fan preparing to terrorise some small town like Buxton,the plastics parting words were hope you beat those Blue bastards ! The hypocrisy stunk when you have a turncoat Rag supporting 1 of their ex main title rivals against lickle Citeh-talk about identity crisis and fucked up fandom sums them all up - self important look at me I am part of something morally correct,what a load of bullshit !
WEMBLEY76 said:
Overheard a conversation in Wetherspoons before a City v Arsenal game in 2008 between a Gooner and Fc Ushited fan preparing to terrorise some small town like Buxton,the plastics parting words were hope you beat those Blue bastards ! The hypocrisy stunk when you have a turncoat Rag supporting 1 of their ex main title rivals against lickle Citeh-talk about identity crisis and fucked up fandom sums them all up - self important look at me I am part of something morally correct,what a load of bullshit !

and the still can't get a free drink in the directors bar even though they own the club ha ha ha

the top men are just takin the piss lol
FCUM is just one big whipround, they don't even pay their matchday staff FFS! They turn up to games in their United/Green and Gold shirts and now expect the government to stump up some money to build a ground, then having the cheek to coin "For the Community", the Council has obviously seen that City are offering to create thousands of jobs whereas FCUM has offered nothing but to take from the council coffers for their own needs. Take your community and fk off back to Bury.
I wonder how many times they sang the words. "council house" over the years in the Bishops Blaze and Old Trafford. Yet the 650K taken from them by MCC would have almsot certainly deliverd their own 'council house'.

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