Ferguson says Utd far fitter than City

The community shield was a big deal this year because we were in it.
As for fitness I think Utd were ahead of us but that might bite them in the arse come the end of the season. Fergie was unhappy with their start last year especially as Chelsea got off to a flier and has made noises about being more ready this time around. I expect them to fly out of the blocks and we just ned to hang in their for the first 10 games or so. Once we have all the squad fit and in place we will take some beating.
DenisLawBackHeel74 said:
Marvin said:
THe Observer carry an interview with Ferguson where he says how satisfied he is with pre-season and the enthusiasm of young players like Cleverley, Welbeck and Pogba.

He says that they have brought a real intensity to their training and what happens in training carries over to matches. He said you could see it at Wembley where the United players were far fitter than City?

is this true, or is it just a case that Utd were chasing the game? A lot of our players were off the pace, but I put that down to poor form, and not fitness.

I noticed yesterday that Liverpool and Arsenal played poorly. Maybe it will take 3 weeks or so before the players are up to speed, but we need to hit the ground running]

I am glad we don't play a Champions League qualifier on Tuesday.

Unfortunately it is true....city were a yard short of pace, long legged, mis timed tackles flying in.....we will see on Monday night whether a week off has helped much.
I fucking hope they didn't have a week off! The last week, week 6, of pre-season is the hardest and most intense. It's the most important week of pre-season. If anyone had a week off after seeing the unbelievably shocking difference in fitness between City and the Rags last week I'll be absolutely furious and we'll be in for a shock tomorrow night!
they were undoubtedly fitter and sharper from the first minute to the last,not just when they were chasing it
It's always something that lies in the realm of opinion rather than scientifically proven fact. Would he have come out with this element of bullshit had it gone to pens and Joe Hart had lashed in the winner?

'Twill be a long time before he can say "We've got more money than yo!"
Has to be said that they did look sharper, sleeker and fitter for sure. We seem to to be at least half a yard short of pace and looked very puffy and blowy.

All these fancy training methods are all well and good, but you cant beat good old fashioned fast, hard training sessions. I believe the united players are pushed very hard in training. Core strengh and stamina being a big part of it. Our lot looked like they had just come of the beach, which of course they had in LA.

In the old days Colin Bell pounded the streets keeping his core fitness very high, and it showed in games as his engine just ran and ran, that went a long way into making him a great player. They used the kippax street stand steps as a mountain climb as well in years gone by, some very very fit players then.
Lean and mean from game one is the only way, i think we pussy foot about a bit, but lets wait and see how we do.
It realy didn't take a football genius to see that they were far fitter and sharper than us at the CS. Luckily fitness is a problem that is fairly easily and quickly solved, hopefully that was the main difference between us that day, but we'll see.
samharris said:
So why did Rooney look so fookin shagged at the end. ??

Looking shagged at the end is allowed, he put a full shift in that day. It's when you look shagged on 70 mins, and several of our players looked just that.

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