Fernando Torres [Merged]

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Torres is leaving, Liverpool have a bid of 40 million pounds on the table from Chelsea but Liverpool are waiting to see if we or any other club will get involved and start a bidding war. Nando has agreed personal terms with Chelsea but their trying to get at least nearer to 50 million They have set a deadline for Friday before accepting any bids.
I wish I lived in Abu Dhabi, I'd get a nice tan and have all the latest football transfer news before anybody else. Cant work out why all the football correspondents arent based there.
The Fixer said:
Chippy_boy said:
I always said it would be daft to rule them out. With Gerrard and Cole (who is a bloody good player by the way) and either way, Torres or £50m+ to spend on replacements, Liverpool can certainly be a threat. Not winning it of course, but for the top 4 places.

They still have a very good starting 11, however their squad lacks quality in depth... Torres, Gerrard and Cole whilst quality players all are prone to injury and if either of those continue that injury prone trend liverpool will struggle again imo.

reina johnson gerrard cole torres a good 5 aside maybe but i struggle to find another 6 decent players (mascrano i prsume be gone)
Chippy_boy said:
spacecadet said:
agree- when you look closely at Hodgson he aint got too a good a track record in English football. Disaster at Bristol City and Blackburn (who had big money at the time) then he has obviously had a couple of good years at Fulham 7th then lower last season and obv the Europa final (Middlesbrough have done that recently though). The scousers and English media seem to think he is some sort of Messiah- that he ain't in my opinion.

True, but we haven't got Mourinho either have we. Some of Bobbies decisions to date have been, to be flattering about it, "puzzling". Not to say fooking barmy.

I hope he manages to assemble a team from our multitude of talents, but as we saw against the rags and spuds at the end of last season, we were still woefully underperforming given the players we have. I hope he sorts it this season, but as they say, hope is not a strategy.

-- Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:50 pm --

waspish said:
We've got our man!......


Sorry I'm bored!!...

And banned.
Be funny if you posted it on RAWK though ;)
mike channon´s windmill said:
Chippy_boy said:
True, but we haven't got Mourinho either have we. Some of Bobbies decisions to date have been, to be flattering about it, "puzzling". Not to say fooking barmy.

I hope he manages to assemble a team from our multitude of talents, but as we saw against the rags and spuds at the end of last season, we were still woefully underperforming given the players we have. I hope he sorts it this season, but as they say, hope is not a strategy.

-- Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:50 pm --

And banned.
Be funny if you posted it on RAWK though ;)
go on i dare you! haha
I can understand a City supporter saying 'bullet dodged' with regards to Balotelli, but Torres? I bet if I sneak back at their previous posts I'd find them saying the same thing about Drogba 12 months ago.
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