Fernando Torres [Merged]

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hiya mate, can i have a kebab with salad and chilli sauce..onion rings and a portion of onion bhaji...ta..oh its 321 gogo towers

shit i'm still on the forum...go away..go, go go

i'll save you the time torres is spain speak for towers.
if zins post is accurate then i can see some similarities between the kaka and eto'o sagas and what may happen with torres

we were prepared to blow competitors out of the water for those two but in the end they ended up going to other clubs probably for less than what we were offering

i think its ultimately up to the player where he goes and not the selling club....

therefore we have to work hard on selling torres the vision (which im usre we are)

depends wheter torres wants to take the hard route (like tevez has stated he wanted to) or whether he wants to take the easy route of guaranteed success and go to chelski/barca
I know on his day Torres is awesome. However, the last season has been disappointing for him. He has had injuries, and quite a few at that. Someone mentioned on Talkshite this morning that he may be another Michael Owen - and rather strangely for Talkshite, I actually understand what he's on about. Just can't see why we would spend £50m on him, and God only knows how much his wages would be (yes, I know we can afford it)? Is part of it because of the players 'stature' overseas - shirt sales, clubs profile in the Far East etc, etc? I'd still prefer Dzeko.
Pam said:
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
Hearing this evening that a delegation is to meet torres on Tuesday week to try and close a deal, but it's also doing the rounds that chelsea are being given the same courtesy.... All the feedback were getting is he wants to come, and will seek the move... Just hope the same pitch hasn't gone to Chelsea, honestly can't see it though, Liverpool want the most money and were prepared to blow Chelsea a new areshole, as much as the player can have a preferance, Money will eventually talk...... Just think of us as that annoying bloke at the auction who is prepared to outbid anyone for the item...... Going onCe,going twice...... Sold to the man in the bed sheet (:

Every single a player is linked to us, the media makes a story up about how Chelsea are trying to hijack the deal. And when I say every single time, I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME. It's been happening for at least a year, now.
In July last year, they said it about Adebayor (who, we were told, was intending to snub City's millions to join the Rags). And a few days before we signed Tevez, he was alleged to be planning to "snub" us in favour of Chelsea Come to think of it, they even said it about Gareth Barry, who we were were reliably informed would "snub" us for Dipperpool before the start of last season.

No lessons were learnt from last season's lies and media silliness, and they are doing the same thing all over again. A week ago, the NOTW were particularly enthusiastic in their reporting of the fiction that Silva and Yaya were to turn City down in favour of joining Chelsea. Both players signed for City within a few days of these non stories appearing the.
As the WC limps to it's end, out bollocks talking media are at it again. Last week Silva was to snub City for Chelsea' , and ditto Ya Ya. The tabloid timing on this was way off the mark, since both players signed within days of newspaper stories saying that they would not be signing. This came from Neil Ashton. who is allegedly a a professional journalist and sports editor of the NOTW. . This guy isn't just some deranged blogger or random phone in ranter. This is someone who is paid handsomely for writing utter bullshit. Neil Ashton is the walking personification of this attitude. He should be ITK, given how much he gets paid for it, but the sad fact is that he is no more in the know than I am. Mr Ashton and his ilk have persudaded millions of gullible readers that he has something worth saying. He does not. And his newspaper is officially the biggest bullshitter of all.

And now here we go again. The names and the transfer targets may change, but the lies stay the same..

Dzecko to snub City for chelsea;

Chelsea have been £30 million for Torries (or £50 million depending on your lying rag newspaper of choice) and are prepared to go higher,

Krasic to snub City because he's not interested in our millions, even though reading between the lines, it's clear that money is the only thing that he's interested in.

Oh just fuck off.

Top post Pam, spot on.

I might add that it has been stated that Abramovich is in S.A. purely as part of the Russian World Cup bid.
simon23 said:
if zins post is accurate then i can see some similarities between the kaka and eto'o sagas and what may happen with torres

we were prepared to blow competitors out of the water for those two but in the end they ended up going to other clubs probably for less than what we were offering

i think its ultimately up to the player where he goes and not the selling club....

therefore we have to work hard on selling torres the vision (which im usre we are)

depends wheter torres wants to take the hard route (like tevez has stated he wanted to) or whether he wants to take the easy route of guaranteed success and go to chelski/barca

Simon it is a little different this time around, last time city were just wealthy wantabees who had just got money or 12 months ago just finished 10th.
This time we already have a good squad, with some top draw players, tevez, ade,dejong and kompany and we have just improved on that with 3 top additions.
Torres will not be just be using us if he has any sense he will be trying to choose who will be at the top for the next 6 years of his career and choosing city with our fast track project and ambition wouldnt be that bad, especially when the pay packet would be considerably better.
Any news on this guy who has form like Santa Cruz last season, and is getting injured like Lescott or RSC?
walus91 said:
Any news on this guy who has form like Santa Cruz last season, and is getting injured like Lescott or RSC?

Who Mickey Owen ?

Pam said:
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
Hearing this evening that a delegation is to meet torres on Tuesday week to try and close a deal, but it's also doing the rounds that chelsea are being given the same courtesy.... All the feedback were getting is he wants to come, and will seek the move... Just hope the same pitch hasn't gone to Chelsea, honestly can't see it though, Liverpool want the most money and were prepared to blow Chelsea a new areshole, as much as the player can have a preferance, Money will eventually talk...... Just think of us as that annoying bloke at the auction who is prepared to outbid anyone for the item...... Going onCe,going twice...... Sold to the man in the bed sheet (:

Every single a player is linked to us, the media makes a story up about how Chelsea are trying to hijack the deal. And when I say every single time, I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME. It's been happening for at least a year, now.
In July last year, they said it about Adebayor (who, we were told, was intending to snub City's millions to join the Rags). And a few days before we signed Tevez, he was alleged to be planning to "snub" us in favour of Chelsea Come to think of it, they even said it about Gareth Barry, who we were were reliably informed would "snub" us for Dipperpool before the start of last season.

No lessons were learnt from last season's lies and media silliness, and they are doing the same thing all over again. A week ago, the NOTW were particularly enthusiastic in their reporting of the fiction that Silva and Yaya were to turn City down in favour of joining Chelsea. Both players signed for City within a few days of these non stories appearing the.
As the WC limps to it's end, out bollocks talking media are at it again. Last week Silva was to snub City for Chelsea' , and ditto Ya Ya. The tabloid timing on this was way off the mark, since both players signed within days of newspaper stories saying that they would not be signing. This came from Neil Ashton. who is allegedly a a professional journalist and sports editor of the NOTW. . This guy isn't just some deranged blogger or random phone in ranter. This is someone who is paid handsomely for writing utter bullshit. Neil Ashton is the walking personification of this attitude. He should be ITK, given how much he gets paid for it, but the sad fact is that he is no more in the know than I am. Mr Ashton and his ilk have persudaded millions of gullible readers that he has something worth saying. He does not. And his newspaper is officially the biggest bullshitter of all.

And now here we go again. The names and the transfer targets may change, but the lies stay the same..

Dzecko to snub City for chelsea;

Chelsea have been £30 million for Torries (or £50 million depending on your lying rag newspaper of choice) and are prepared to go higher,

Krasic to snub City because he's not interested in our millions, even though reading between the lines, it's clear that money is the only thing that he's interested in.

Oh just fuck off.

I don't want to have a dig or anything, but every story that I've seen that links Torres to another club, Chelsea seemed to be the main interested party with City also interested. The story with Torres has never been 'it's City's deal and Chelsea are going to hijack it', the story is Chelsea are front of the queue to get him and City are also interested.

Obviously, I can see where you are coming from and we have been linked with hijacking a number of your deals e.g. Tevez and Silva, but they were also reported as City being the main interested party. In the way the Torres saga is being reported the roles are reversed.

I'm not saying what the papers are saying is entirely true, it has been highly fabricated, however parts of it are true. Abramovich is flying out to South Africa to help with the 2018 Russian World Cup bid and to enjoy the World Cup semi-finals and final, however, the news I'm getting from people that work at Cobham that we have put in a bid of £48 Million. I don't know for sure what City have done, but I've heard various tidbits about a similar offer being made. As Nando has said, he is going to entertain any approaches until after the World Cup. Out of respect for the player, Liverpool are taking the same approach too, so bids are being made but won't be negotiated for a week or two.

Chelsea have always said that they will pay the millions should the right player, and this will be a proper fight for the player as Abramovich is determined to get Torres, to the point he will go anywhere up to £75 Million (which I think is excessive). I'd imagine City are probably working at the same kind of level.
fulhamroad22 said:
Pam said:
Every single a player is linked to us, the media makes a story up about how Chelsea are trying to hijack the deal. And when I say every single time, I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME. It's been happening for at least a year, now.
In July last year, they said it about Adebayor (who, we were told, was intending to snub City's millions to join the Rags). And a few days before we signed Tevez, he was alleged to be planning to "snub" us in favour of Chelsea Come to think of it, they even said it about Gareth Barry, who we were were reliably informed would "snub" us for Dipperpool before the start of last season.

No lessons were learnt from last season's lies and media silliness, and they are doing the same thing all over again. A week ago, the NOTW were particularly enthusiastic in their reporting of the fiction that Silva and Yaya were to turn City down in favour of joining Chelsea. Both players signed for City within a few days of these non stories appearing the.
As the WC limps to it's end, out bollocks talking media are at it again. Last week Silva was to snub City for Chelsea' , and ditto Ya Ya. The tabloid timing on this was way off the mark, since both players signed within days of newspaper stories saying that they would not be signing. This came from Neil Ashton. who is allegedly a a professional journalist and sports editor of the NOTW. . This guy isn't just some deranged blogger or random phone in ranter. This is someone who is paid handsomely for writing utter bullshit. Neil Ashton is the walking personification of this attitude. He should be ITK, given how much he gets paid for it, but the sad fact is that he is no more in the know than I am. Mr Ashton and his ilk have persudaded millions of gullible readers that he has something worth saying. He does not. And his newspaper is officially the biggest bullshitter of all.

And now here we go again. The names and the transfer targets may change, but the lies stay the same..

Dzecko to snub City for chelsea;

Chelsea have been £30 million for Torries (or £50 million depending on your lying rag newspaper of choice) and are prepared to go higher,

Krasic to snub City because he's not interested in our millions, even though reading between the lines, it's clear that money is the only thing that he's interested in.

Oh just fuck off.

I don't want to have a dig or anything, but every story that I've seen that links Torres to another club, Chelsea seemed to be the main interested party with City also interested. The story has never been 'it's City's deal and Chelsea are going to hijack it', the story is Chelsea are front of the queue to get him and City are also interested.

Obviously, I can see where you are coming from and we have been linked with hijacking a number of your deals e.g. Tevez and Silva, but they were also reported as City being the main interested party. In the way the Torres saga is being reported the roles are reversed.

I'm not saying what the papers are saying is entirely true, it has been highly fabricated, however parts of it are true. Abramovich is flying out to South Africa to help with the 2018 Russian World Cup bid and to enjoy the World Cup semi-finals and final, however, the news I'm getting from people that work at Cobham that we have put in a bid of £48 Million. I don't know for sure what City have done, but I've heard various tidbits about a similar offer being made. As Nando has said, he is going to entertain any approaches until after the World Cup. Out of respect for the player, Liverpool are taking the same approach too, so bids are being made but won't be negotiated for a week or two.

Chelsea have always said that they will pay the millions should the right player, and this will be a proper fight for the player as Abramovich is determined to get Torres, to the point he will go anywhere up to £75 Million (which I think is excessive). I'd imagine City are probably working at the same kind of level.

I think it's fair to say that a lot of what's going on behind the scenes - we'll never know. Trying to deduce where the transfer stands from the outside looking in, I would say that Torres hasn't said "no" to City, and hasn't said "no" to Chelsea.

I read your posts from yesterday and to be honest 99% of what you have said makes perfect sense. Personally, I just don't see what, if any attraction, Torres would have to Chelsea beyond CL football for the upcoming season. If it's important to him, then it's a massive attraction. If however, he's looking at all the other factors, my opinion is that he'll choose City. We've already got one of his best mates playing for us. He wouldn't have to move from the North West where he is very settled. He would be within spitting distance of his pals at Liverpool (Reina et al). He'd be joining arguably the most ambitious and resourceful football club in the world. We've been chasing him since the day ADUG took over on August 31st 2008. He would probably become the highest paid player in the world.

Maybe there's some City bias in that, but those are my thoughts...going to be an interesting couple of weeks...
fulhamroad22 said:
Pam said:
Every single a player is linked to us, the media makes a story up about how Chelsea are trying to hijack the deal. And when I say every single time, I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME. It's been happening for at least a year, now.
In July last year, they said it about Adebayor (who, we were told, was intending to snub City's millions to join the Rags). And a few days before we signed Tevez, he was alleged to be planning to "snub" us in favour of Chelsea Come to think of it, they even said it about Gareth Barry, who we were were reliably informed would "snub" us for Dipperpool before the start of last season.

No lessons were learnt from last season's lies and media silliness, and they are doing the same thing all over again. A week ago, the NOTW were particularly enthusiastic in their reporting of the fiction that Silva and Yaya were to turn City down in favour of joining Chelsea. Both players signed for City within a few days of these non stories appearing the.
As the WC limps to it's end, out bollocks talking media are at it again. Last week Silva was to snub City for Chelsea' , and ditto Ya Ya. The tabloid timing on this was way off the mark, since both players signed within days of newspaper stories saying that they would not be signing. This came from Neil Ashton. who is allegedly a a professional journalist and sports editor of the NOTW. . This guy isn't just some deranged blogger or random phone in ranter. This is someone who is paid handsomely for writing utter bullshit. Neil Ashton is the walking personification of this attitude. He should be ITK, given how much he gets paid for it, but the sad fact is that he is no more in the know than I am. Mr Ashton and his ilk have persudaded millions of gullible readers that he has something worth saying. He does not. And his newspaper is officially the biggest bullshitter of all.

And now here we go again. The names and the transfer targets may change, but the lies stay the same..

Dzecko to snub City for chelsea;

Chelsea have been £30 million for Torries (or £50 million depending on your lying rag newspaper of choice) and are prepared to go higher,

Krasic to snub City because he's not interested in our millions, even though reading between the lines, it's clear that money is the only thing that he's interested in.

Oh just fuck off.

I don't want to have a dig or anything, but every story that I've seen that links Torres to another club, Chelsea seemed to be the main interested party with City also interested. The story with Torres has never been 'it's City's deal and Chelsea are going to hijack it', the story is Chelsea are front of the queue to get him and City are also interested.

Obviously, I can see where you are coming from and we have been linked with hijacking a number of your deals e.g. Tevez and Silva, but they were also reported as City being the main interested party. In the way the Torres saga is being reported the roles are reversed.

I'm not saying what the papers are saying is entirely true, it has been highly fabricated, however parts of it are true. Abramovich is flying out to South Africa to help with the 2018 Russian World Cup bid and to enjoy the World Cup semi-finals and final, however, the news I'm getting from people that work at Cobham that we have put in a bid of £48 Million. I don't know for sure what City have done, but I've heard various tidbits about a similar offer being made. As Nando has said, he is going to entertain any approaches until after the World Cup. Out of respect for the player, Liverpool are taking the same approach too, so bids are being made but won't be negotiated for a week or two.

Chelsea have always said that they will pay the millions should the right player, and this will be a proper fight for the player as Abramovich is determined to get Torres, to the point he will go anywhere up to £75 Million (which I think is excessive). I'd imagine City are probably working at the same kind of level.

so what you are saying the way the media are reporting it is nothing like the tevez and silva bid where chelsea were hijacking it. Its the other way round.

Like the robinho bid???? and we know how that one turned out. win win.
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