Fernando Torres [Merged]

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For me after todays revelations I have to say that the chances of signing Torres have gone from the dizzy heights of 6/10 to 0.5/10. Ah well move on to Dzeko.
Any blue who thinks we have escaped a bullet by not getting Torres must be dead from the neck up, one of the best 5 strikers in world football and some wouldn't want him here!!.

Jeez 10 years ago, we were signing the likes of Bob Taylor, Gareth Taylor and now chasing Fernando Torres......pinch me, I hope I aint dreaming this.

Liverpool are a joke, were last year and are no better this, they have lost Mascherano (he will go, he doesn't want to stay and they will soon sell him), Kuyt possibly going also, Gerrard a year older and was washed up last season, Benayoun has left the Liverpool bench for Chelsea's and Chelsea's pernial benchwarmer and waste of space is now a guarentee to start for Liverpool.

Reina (good), G Johnson (good attacking, shit defending), Carragher (more fouls from him than minutes in a game), Skrtyl, Agger, Kyragounis (not one of them is top 6 class CB), no left back, signed some reserve team star from the SCOTTISH LEAGUE!, Reira has left, who partners Torres?, N'FUCKIN'GOG, we have absolutely nothing to fear from them.

Torres at Liverpool will spend 20 games out injured next season, Gerrard will do and deliver nothing in the big crunch games, Cole will play well 1 game every 10, Kuyt is a white Vassell, they over-acheived last season, skint and owe RBS over £50m by December next season, they are linked with players all over the world, for the same reason United are.....to make their fans think they can still compete with the big boys, fact is, unless the player is available on a Bosman Free or for less than £7m, they have no chance, and will need to be selling the likes of Mascherano, Torres and maybe even Kuyt in order to buy a few decent players and pay the bailiffs up in xmas time.

Chelsea, City, Scum & Arsenal will be top 4, Yids & Everton for 5th & 6th and Villa will be 7th.
I doubt that I am a well
respected poster
but I happen to think that City are now the only deal in town as far as Torres is concerned.

Abramovich has decided not to go beyond £50m and the fee will be at least £10m more............
fbloke said:
I doubt that I am a well
respected poster
but I happen to think that City are now the only deal in town as far as Torres is concerned.

Abramovich has decided not to go beyond £50m and the fee will be at least £10m more............

bloody ell m8 you took your time :)
DonRobertoManciti said:
Any blue who thinks we have escaped a bullet by not getting Torres must be dead from the neck up, one of the best 5 strikers in world football and some wouldn't want him here!!.

Jeez 10 years ago, we were signing the likes of Bob Taylor, Gareth Taylor and now chasing Fernando Torres......pinch me, I hope I aint dreaming this.

Liverpool are a joke, were last year and are no better this, they have lost Mascherano (he will go, he doesn't want to stay and they will soon sell him), Kuyt possibly going also, Gerrard a year older and was washed up last season, Benayoun has left the Liverpool bench for Chelsea's and Chelsea's pernial benchwarmer and waste of space is now a guarentee to start for Liverpool.

Reina (good), G Johnson (good attacking, shit defending), Carragher (more fouls from him than minutes in a game), Skrtyl, Agger, Kyragounis (not one of them is top 6 class CB), no left back, signed some reserve team star from the SCOTTISH LEAGUE!, Reira has left, who partners Torres?, N'FUCKIN'GOG, we have absolutely nothing to fear from them.

Torres at Liverpool will spend 20 games out injured next season, Gerrard will do and deliver nothing in the big crunch games, Cole will play well 1 game every 10, Kuyt is a white Vassell, they over-acheived last season, skint and owe RBS over £50m by December next season, they are linked with players all over the world, for the same reason United are.....to make their fans think they can still compete with the big boys, fact is, unless the player is available on a Bosman Free or for less than £7m, they have no chance, and will need to be selling the likes of Mascherano, Torres and maybe even Kuyt in order to buy a few decent players and pay the bailiffs up in xmas time.

Chelsea, City, Scum & Arsenal will be top 4, Yids & Everton for 5th & 6th and Villa will be 7th.

Tell us what you really think. Go on, don't hold back ;-)

Oh, and you forgot to mention carragher's lightening pace ;-)

They are foooked aren't they!
fbloke said:
I doubt that I am a well
respected poster
but I happen to think that City are now the only deal in town as far as Torres is concerned.

Abramovich has decided not to go beyond £50m and the fee will be at least £10m more............

Is the well respected poster TH was walking about not that guy called Billy something?
Billy davis or something like that.
If not, sorry fbloke my bad....
J.A.M said:
fbloke said:
I doubt that I am a well but I happen to think that City are now the only deal in town as far as Torres is concerned.

Abramovich has decided not to go beyond £50m and the fee will be at least £10m more............

Is the well respected poster TH was walking about not that guy called Billy something?
Billy davis or something like that.
If not, sorry fbloke my bad....
Think Tolmie might be refering to Happy blue ?
J.A.M said:
fbloke said:
I doubt that I am a well but I happen to think that City are now the only deal in town as far as Torres is concerned.

Abramovich has decided not to go beyond £50m and the fee will be at least £10m more............

Is the well respected poster TH was walking about not that guy called Billy something?
Billy davis or something like that.
If not, sorry fbloke my bad....

I doubt TH meant me so no stress here ;-)
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