FFP - Scudamore Says Carry On Regardless

The Premiership powers that be are rather pleased with City after what happened on Sunday, apparently, and especially so because the main TV contract is up for renewal.
It will be the smaller teams that suffer FFP was brought in to keep clubs out of the Elite.

Can see Platini being forced to forget FFP because as already been stated the Champions League was created for sponsorship and to create more money and these companies want the best players involved and also interest in the product. Their are many football fans who want to see more teams competing other than the G14 teams.

I am a City fan but I love football and I am interested in the Play offs at the moment which obviously we are not involved in and the vast majority of fans feel the same.
It's a farce really, the problem with these rules is they were designed to stop a club like ours from doing what we have done. However it looks like in todays economic climate we are going to be playing in the Champions League on our own!!

So many clubs are struggling with debt, we are lucky that we have an owner who is pumping massive amounts of investment into multiplying our income. A lot of clubs do not have this option and many will actually suffer under the FFP rules due not being able to invest in players which can deliver the results which brings in the income for any football club.

The champions league has now become accessible only for those who either land lucky one season like Newcastle nearly did this year or already have the money in the bank. It is no longer possible to build a team and challenge the established elite.

There is a need for austerity and keeping things under control but any club or business for that matter which has reckless management putting their club out of business deserves their own fate.
I am just hoping that at some stage in the future there is a split of teams from UEFA that brings the whole thing down.
Listening to Scudamore yesterday, there does seem to be a growing rift between the UEFA and the Premier League. Not sure what this will mean in terms of Champions League football. It all depends on how heavily UEFA sanction those teams who fall foul of this disproportionate rule.
Pam said:
The Premiership powers that be are rather pleased with City after what happened on Sunday, apparently, and especially so because the main TV contract is up for renewal.

At the end of the day it's what the sponsors want. If Al Jazeera win that contract then there is no way city wont be in it, or any Arab owned team for that matter.
inbetween said:
The champions league has now become accessible only for those who either land lucky one season like Newcastle nearly did this year or already have the money in the bank. It is no longer possible to build a team and challenge the established elite.

True. And the team that might get lucky - say Newcastle or Spurs 2 years ago - seldom get lucky twice, as the strain of CL football tells on their league position. Spurs were well off the pace last year and limped over the line this year, having really struggled to hold onto their best players and Chelsea having a 'mare.

There's no solution to sustained improvement beyond proper, careful, long term investment. This is now banned.

Good job UEFA.
TBH I don't really give a shit about Europe with it's current ownership, I'd quite happily compete just for the prem and domestic cups than worry about horrible French cunts like Twattini having a say about my club.

But good video and just goes to prove the people in the know welcome this type of investment and not the Glazier kind.

Sorry to all other teams and fans not given a chance to dine at the top table with any luck the FFP will be seen for what it is and not what it's supposed to be and be gone as quickly as it's arrived

Like Notts County a few years back when there was talk of major investment, the oldest club in the league been in the wilderness for years and the chance to get to the big show? ...marvelous. Sadly that didn't pan out and with FFP fairy tales like this will never happen again.

Financial fair play?...my arse!
baldybouncer said:
I'm absolutely convinced that UEFA's FFP restricts a company from practicing it's business. If that particular company wants to fuck it's finances up then that's up to them.

Who are UEFA to dictate what a company can and can't do in the way it generates revenue and spends and invests money. Platini can fuck right off.
I thought firm I first heard about FFFP, and read about it, that a top notch corporate/business lawyer would be able to run rings around the plans. Restraint of trade and all that.

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