FIFA Clubs - Were Not Really Here (ps3)

What's happened to Maine road now?
What with chris and 123 jumping ship along with sexy syn!

Kiam if your reading this mate, we can try and organize a game again, say for about midnight or half past midnight?
If it doesn't work again, perhaps the two captains could press play a match at the same time and hope we meet by chance.

After our performance as a team last night it should make for an interesting contest!
MeatnSpudsMCFC said:
I may not be able to get on much, I won't be on as late anymore because of early work

no worries mate, just get on when you can do.
Can always have a few early evening time, there was 5 people on at about 6pm this evening.
There's enough in the club to have sessions at different times.
Mikem93 said:
should be on later to fill in as ANY again lol ;)

ok mate, we have just got someone else also, who is brilliant as any.
Chris can do it if you get bored,and we can swap it between everyone so knowone gets annoyed with being stuck with it
I'll be on in half an hour

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