FIFA delegates getting their cummupence! Blatter GONE today.

Were they taking back handers from sponsors? If so will any of them get prosecuted?

its a can of worms, i say its everything from world cup ticket sales,event fixing the list goes on and on of what it could be, yesterday was just a small slice of the cake, Blatter has bailed out of three meetings today, my guess he's nipped off to see his solicitor
What odds Blatter all of a sudden has a "Life-threatening illness" to avoid prosecution?
Let's face it, the whole game is corrupt. FIFA is at the top table and attracts the publicity, easy with such a buffoon in charge, but my own gripe here is aimed at player's agents. Whenever a transfer occurs, the agent gets a fee and for normal purposes this is correct. But as we see so often, Yaya being the latest affected, agents agitate for transfers. If a player is genuinely unhappy, then fair enough, but in other cases how do we know if a player really wants a move or could it be that someone, somewhere has offered the agent a bung to get something in place? Unless someone mouths off then it would be difficult to prove but there is so much money involved in the game these days that it becomes easy to see why so many undesirables are attracted to it.
I do not support Blatter or any of FIFA's corruption here, do not see it as this way. With 2022, I would've been happier rather if it was given to Egypt or Iran, these are countries that care about football. I am seeing a lot of anti 2018 Russian world cup messages on internet and I'd like to state my opinions on here. A lot of people are calling for it to be stripped, which I hate. Firstly, with all this corruption scandal yesterday, there has absolutely been NO link of bribery to the 2018 World Cup, yet people are calling Russia to be stripped. No evidence yet of anything, it's just pointing fingers and attempt to hijack the hosting rights right now. It's weird because most people supported Russia as being hosts back in 2010 but now it's changed. I think Russia was the best possible host, it's going to be the first World Cup on Eastern European soil. World Cup in the past, has always been hosted in Western Europe when in Europe. A World Cup should not be hosted by a select few elitist nations I feel. Politics should not be mixed with sports either, because UK/USA have done very bad stuff with Iraq/Libya. A lot of people talk about the football infrastructure in Russia but isn't this the whole point of hosting a World Cup? For example, Germany built most of their football infrastructure with 1974, Argentina did with 1978, South Korea/Japan 2002, South Africa 2010, Brazil 2014 and so on. I feel a hosting a world cup allows a country to build their football infrastructure. If Russia did not get this world cup, then there would be no need to build any infrastructure. I think Russia are a sleeping giant in World football along with China, Russia and holding a world cup in Russia, will only inspire the future generations and make Russia a better team. Just look how dominant Russia are in beach football and indoor football for example.
Just give Australia the world cup and all is forgiven.
That wouldn't happen in a million years, either in 2018 or 2022. Both Qatar and Russia have spent fortunes already preparing for these World Cups, how would it be taken away? Will Australia pay for the lost money that was used to prepare the Qatar World cup?
That wouldn't happen in a million years, either in 2018 or 2022. Both Qatar and Russia have spent fortunes already buying votes for these World Cups, how would it be taken away? Will Australia pay for the lost money that was used to buy Qatar the World cup?

If the bid wasn't handled properly then the process isn't valid, it'll be a case of tough shit.
This is a dog and pony show. A completely fabricated agenda ran by the Western press at the behest and manipulation of their UEFA sources. The problem is that you have to look at the sources and the sources of the sources to really see the fabrication, as pretty much the entire Western sports media has bought into it (which means the entire Western world of sports fans has).

First and foremost, Sepp Blatter is probably the only person in this argument who isn't corrupt. I'm sure he's played his politics like anybody to get to the top but he's pretty much whiter than white like all of the people at the top usually are. Evidence against Blatter would have already surfaced by now if there was any to surface.

You have to realise what this is about. It isn't about cleaning up FIFA and never has been, it is about UEFA wanting to commercialise the game across the world like it has done with the Champions League by favouring the richer countries over the smaller countries.

Blatter is and has always been elected by the smaller nations. He believes in spreading the wealth around the world and using football as a platform for social change. UEFA believe that this policy has meant that the $4billion they get from the World Cup commercial revenue is undervalued, and just like the CL and FFP, losing the bigger nations means a World Cup is worth less. Blatter believes that the vote of England is just as important the vote by Peru and nobody should be favoured by a global body.

Let's look at THE FACTS for a minute. The Qatar World Cup bid was almost entirely supported by UEFA and opposed by Blatter and the smaller nations. Platini voted for Qatar as did Villar, Qatar played quid-pro-quo with investments in Spain and France to secure the influence of those FIFA Vice Presidents who sit on the ExCo and vote on the World Cup. Prince Ali was nailed on as voting for Qatar already due to being supported in his Vice President elections by UEFA. Smaller nations don't vote on the WC host, only the ExCo does.

This is the thing that nobody here is seeing. Prince Ali is and always has been a UEFA puppet, all of his support comes from there. Blatter is propped up by the African and Asian nations who want a fair shot at things.

This isn't a battle about corruption, it's a battle between Platini and Blatter and corruption is being weaponised by one side. If you lads want to pitch your hat with a man who has proposed that the CL Final should be in Dubai, handed the World Cup to Qatar and invented FFP then so be it.

You're all on the wrong side because the media is buying Platini's bullshit. Are you not even a little suspicious that the same media whores like Rob Harris and Henry Winter who trot out that City are ruining football because we're breaking up their cartel are now like attack dogs on Blatter? Did that not strike you as odd that a cartel supporting bunch of pricks suddenly want to clean up the game and have found a morality that they don't apply in Europe?

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