FIFA delegates getting their cummupence! Blatter GONE today.

I agree with Damo's analysis of UEFA's motives behind trying to oust Blatter but there's no way Blatter is squeaky clean in all this. FIFA was corrupt under Havelange's leadership and Blatter was Havelange's right hand man and chosen successor.
If you are correct then surely that connection has already been made by the FBI ?
If so would their discussions with UEFA be already part of the evidence the FBI hold ?

The FBI are both dumb as a box of rocks about the internal workings of FIFA, let alone its politics, and are only after CONCACAF members who traded in the US. Their evidence was handed to them by a journalist who wrote a book saying Blatter is the devil and it would be much better if FIFA were ran by UEFA.
The problem at FIFA has always been in its branding. The President doesn't actually do anything, he is more their PR representative and ChairPerson to their meetings. The corruption at FIFA is institutional because up until very recently when the Ethics Committee started getting sorted out, there was nobody to stop it or had the political clout to do anything about it. My issue now is that this corruption that has gone on unchallenged forever whilst it suited certain members is getting called out against their political opponents. Hans Joachim Eckert is the one who should be targeted because it is his job to find and route out this corruption. And he has done. Coincidentally as a German he has found that all the UEFA members and their allies are spotless and whilst everybody else is bent as a nine bob note, and there was no significant corruption in the votes to hand the World Cups to UEFA member Russia or UEFA backed Qatar.

It's very much bullshit all around

You seem to have pointed us all in a direction we were very much being steered away from mate, cheers.

FFPR should tell us all to treat anything from UEFA with as much disdain as anything from FIFA.
The FBI are both dumb as a box of rocks about the internal workings of FIFA, let alone its politics, and are only after CONCACAF members who traded in the US. Their evidence was handed to them by a journalist who wrote a book saying Blatter is the devil and it would be much better if FIFA were ran by UEFA.

Quite a way off if you've been following the investigation from the start.
I agree with Damo's analysis of UEFA's motives behind trying to oust Blatter but there's no way Blatter is squeaky clean in all this. FIFA was corrupt under Havelange's leadership and Blatter was Havelange's right hand man and chosen successor.

No doubt he was in the brown envelope brigade before he was President and that's probably how they'll eventually get him. In the modern world though you don't just walk up to the President of an organisation like FIFA with all of the scrutiny it has been under since Havelange and offer him money. He has to be clean at the top because his political opponents can easily kill him if not whenever a decision goes against them (like UEFA have been trying to do for years), and Blatter is nothing if not a clever politician.

Platini has just asked a democratically elected President to step down and not be democratically elected again so Prince Ali will be the lone figure
Whether Blatter hasn't taken a penny in back handers or whether he's squirelled away millions, it doesn't really matter on one level. He's presided over an organisation where it's widely believed that bribery is par for the course.

Even Brendan Rodgers, the second least self-aware person in football, might consider his position under those circumstances.

But Damocles is largely right that no one is any better than anyone else, and certainly not UEFA or Platini.

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