First footage of police cracking a few skulls.

citysince88 said:
topdogger said:
citysince88 said:
I am not left wing or right wing I just get an immense feeling of shame that this forum is so jolly in the fact that young people are having to be beaten in the streets, if they deserve it or not doesn't come into it for me, its the thirst for vengence which I find just as sickening as the looting and rioting.

I think we're becoming animals.

-- Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:21 am --

oh dear !

Citysince88, Surley it's not that difficult, is it ?

So whats the answer you wet lettuce your style of policing for 4 days has not worked now its time for old school techniques.

Firstly, my 'wet lettuce style of policing has not worked' I am going to assume that comment is you thnking I am some left winger or bleeding heart liberal I am not. Nor have I said I have the answer but if you check back through the pages I would like the army in, as I believe they may and may is the key word hold some respect with these people I am aware they may not.

secondly and this seems to have been missed by quite a few on here, I am not slagging of the police's use of force, I am merely stating that the rest of society degenerating into a vengence fuelled mob is a bad thing.

And that rather than people taking any pleasure in having to have young people beaten in our streets , we should be looking at how and why this sad situation occurred and indeed how we make sure this never arises again.

But obviously that makes be a soft lefty, bleeding heart liberal little bell end who 's opinion of civil adults acting as such makes people vomit, oh and I'm supposed to be gay as well !

Don't bother,mate.
Off topic is a seething cauldron of (self)righteous indignation at the moment,so let the lynch mob vent their spleens in ever-increasing displays of testosterone.
The Premiership will soon be with us,and they can channel their anger into Bobby Manc's bizarre substitutions,or whether we should execute Carlos for treason at half time.
Bellamyend said:
this has really lifted my spirits. would love to see plenty more beatings dished out by police and teachers.

city88 makes me vomit

Sssshh, don't let the yooman rights brigade hear that. Those crazy cats will probably find it distasteful that you enjoy the sight of children being beaten. Those bastards need to get with the times. Bring in the Army!!!!
Fuck um.

If they wanna break they law and riot for no fucking reason other than for a fucking laugh and burn fucking shops down and act completely lawless then it's just right that they get a little kicking for it, it's what they fucking need, maybe they'd think twice about doing it again!
citysince88 said:
topdogger said:
citysince88 said:
I am not left wing or right wing I just get an immense feeling of shame that this forum is so jolly in the fact that young people are having to be beaten in the streets, if they deserve it or not doesn't come into it for me, its the thirst for vengence which I find just as sickening as the looting and rioting.

I think we're becoming animals.

-- Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:21 am --

oh dear !

Citysince88, Surley it's not that difficult, is it ?

So whats the answer you wet lettuce your style of policing for 4 days has not worked now its time for old school techniques.

Firstly, my 'wet lettuce style of policing has not worked' I am going to assume that comment is you thnking I am some left winger or bleeding heart liberal I am not. Nor have I said I have the answer but if you check back through the pages I would like the army in, as I believe they may and may is the key word hold some respect with these people I am aware they may not.

secondly and this seems to have been missed by quite a few on here, I am not slagging of the police's use of force, I am merely stating that the rest of society degenerating into a vengence fuelled mob is a bad thing.

And that rather than people taking any pleasure in having to have young people beaten in our streets , we should be looking at how and why this sad situation occurred and indeed how we make sure this never arises again.

But obviously that makes be a soft lefty, bleeding heart liberal little bell end who 's opinion of civil adults acting as such makes people vomit, oh and I'm supposed to be gay as well !

Citysince1988 it was hardly a beating was it? A few cracks with a big stick so fucking what? Tough shit.
mcmanus said:
citysince88 said:
topdogger said:
So whats the answer you wet lettuce your style of policing for 4 days has not worked now its time for old school techniques.

Firstly, my 'wet lettuce style of policing has not worked' I am going to assume that comment is you thnking I am some left winger or bleeding heart liberal I am not. Nor have I said I have the answer but if you check back through the pages I would like the army in, as I believe they may and may is the key word hold some respect with these people I am aware they may not.

secondly and this seems to have been missed by quite a few on here, I am not slagging of the police's use of force, I am merely stating that the rest of society degenerating into a vengence fuelled mob is a bad thing.

And that rather than people taking any pleasure in having to have young people beaten in our streets , we should be looking at how and why this sad situation occurred and indeed how we make sure this never arises again.

But obviously that makes be a soft lefty, bleeding heart liberal little bell end who 's opinion of civil adults acting as such makes people vomit, oh and I'm supposed to be gay as well !

Citysince1988 it was hardly a beating was it? A few cracks with a big stick so fucking what? Tough shit.

I Wasn't talking about that clip specifically but the overall sense of glee at percieved joy in retalliation. whether that lad got what he deserved doesn't enter it for me.
You misread the reaction it is a sense of relief that somthing is being done lets hope to see more justice dished out by police and decent communities.

As for bringing in the army are we not in the middle of a fucking war.
Why should those recovering from or training for combat get dragged in and why now! When there are lots of police about (maybe not enough).
If this carries on and the police need help sustaining numbers after a few more days we could see the army.
Also do people not realise how small the army actualy is and how few are trained for public disorder.

What the country needs if we had money is a paramilitary force who can deal with disorder.
Then the real police can carry on with the namby pamby policing by consent we seem to have had hoisted on us.

PS citysince88 are you gay

PPS Can I have a kiss
Forza La Polizia!

They want to act like animals,let them be fucking treated like animals. ALL THE DO GOODERS can fuck off for me. Enough is enough. The clip really cheered me up seeing that clown get wasted off his bike..
topdogger said:
You misread the reaction it is a sense of relief that somthing is being done lets hope to see more justice dished out by police and decent communities.

As for bringing in the army are we not in the middle of a fucking war.
Why should those recovering from or training for combat get dragged in and why now! When there are lots of police about (maybe not enough).
If this carries on and the police need help sustaining numbers after a few more days we could see the army.
Also do people not realise how small the army actualy is and how few are trained for public disorder.

What the country needs if we had money is a paramilitary force who can deal with disorder.
Then the real police can carry on with the namby pamby policing by consent we seem to have had hoisted on us.

PS citysince88 are you gay

PPS Can I have a kiss

I hope I have mis read people's reactions but I think there are some who truly do take pleasure in seeing this stuff, The reason I would like the army in is I believe its the only institiution that may hold some respect and thus not be a direct target like the police, I realise it is a massive inconvience, soldiers should be R & R but the police to a degree will be a catalyst for some aggro by presence alone, I think if you put soldiers in uniform in high risk area's thier presence alone would limit disturbance I don;t the looters would want to take them on also because the police would be able to concentrate thier numbers on arresting them not guarding shops. Thus speeding up the end of this sorry situation.

sorry I'm not gay but you can have a kiss just not off me ! :)
gaytee8 has backtracked so much his already incoherent argument is now obsfucated beyond comprehension.

to be fair, I have no idea why I am posting about him in the third person.

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