
In order:

Wild salmon
Lemon Sole
Cod loin

I refuse to eat farmed salmon and try and avoid any farmed fish. I wouldn’t feed a dog on diseased, parasite infested, hormone full farmed salmon. If hens were reared with similar methods to salmon nobody would eat them. (And they would drown)
All of the above.
I love seafood in general. Raised my young fella’ from a kid the same.
He loves all seafood too and would always order fish from the age of four or five when we’d be out.
Expensive for a kid, but he always ate right.

Haven’t had mackerel in a long time, but it brings back great memories of my dad coming in for his tea in the summer.
He was a barman and cycled to work.
Some of the locals would be fishing out of Howth and would quite often come into the bar with a substantial catch.
He would take a half dozen or so and bring them home.
I used to love it. I’d be waiting in anticipation to see if he’d arrive with any.

Fresh mackerel caught that afternoon on the frying pan. Nothing like it.
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Most seafood makes me gag.

I can deal with a grilled salmon / seabass fillet and chippy fish but anything more “fishy” and I’m out.

How people can eat tinned tuna and shit in sandwiches blows my mind. I’d literally rather starve to death.
Anything tinned is mostly crap and disgusting. How people eat Heinz soup, Fray Bentos pies or anything like that from a tin I have absolutely no idea, they're minging. The thought of tinned meat such as Spam makes me heave.

Try fresh tuna albacore on a butty with decent bread though and you'll change your tune!
Anything tinned is mostly crap and disgusting. How people eat Heinz soup, Fray Bentos pies or anything like that from a tin I have absolutely no idea, they're minging. The thought of tinned meat such as Spam makes me heave.

Try fresh tuna albacore on a butty with decent bread though and you'll change your tune!

Agreed on the tinned food, it's another thing that makes me gag. Apart from Heinz tomato soup, which I really crave when I'm ill with a cold.

Tuna is far too fishy, I just can't do seafood.
Agreed on the tinned food, it's another thing that makes me gag. Apart from Heinz tomato soup, which I really crave when I'm ill with a cold.

Tuna is far too fishy, I just can't do seafood.
I’m the same. Hate the taste of “the sea”.

Fresh salmon is probably the closest I could get to being able to eat fish, but I take my Omega supplements and forget about seafood as it makes me wretch.
Sea bass is my go to.

Like Salmon and Mackerel. And Swordfish.

My father in law would never eat Cod. Always said it was bottom of the sea shite.

I have never eaten anything that lives on the sea bed or has tentacles. I should try lobster though.
All of the above.
I love seafood in general. Raised my young fella’ from a kid the same.
He loves all seafood to and would always order fish from the age of four or five when we’d be out.
Expensive for a kid, but he always ate right.

Haven’t had mackerel in a long time, but it brings back great memories of my dad coming in for his tea in the summer.
He was a barman and cycled to work.
Some of the locals would be fishing out of Howth and would quite often come into the bar with a substantial catch.
He would take a half dozen or so and bring them home.
I used to love it. I’d be waiting in anticipation to see if he’d arrive with any.

Fresh mackerel caught that afternoon on the frying pan. Nothing like it.
Spot on.
Used to take parties of kids to Staithes holiday fellowship camp.
They used to love crabbing off the quay.
I once joined them as the sprats were being driven in by the mackerel feeding frenzy.
There were so many mackerel we were foul hooking them.
We caught a handful and took them in to the camp’s cooks who cooked them for us fried in butter.
They were nothing like the manky things Tesco sells!
They were delicious.
All of the above.
I love seafood in general. Raised my young fella’ from a kid the same.
He loves all seafood to and would always order fish from the age of four or five when we’d be out.
Expensive for a kid, but he always ate right.

Haven’t had mackerel in a long time, but it brings back great memories of my dad coming in for his tea in the summer.
He was a barman and cycled to work.
Some of the locals would be fishing out of Howth and would quite often come into the bar with a substantial catch.
He would take a half dozen or so and bring them home.
I used to love it. I’d be waiting in anticipation to see if he’d arrive with any.

Fresh mackerel caught that afternoon on the frying pan. Nothing like it.
I actually have a soft spot for smoked mackerel. If we are talking seafood, there is nothing better on earth than a seafood feast in a pub or restaurant in a fishing port. Lobster, languostines, scallops, mussels, fresh crab. Food to die for.
In order:

Wild salmon
Lemon Sole
Cod loin

I refuse to eat farmed salmon and try and avoid any farmed fish. I wouldn’t feed a dog on diseased, parasite infested, hormone full farmed salmon. If hens were reared with similar methods to salmon nobody would eat them. (And they would drown)
Ever had Barramundi? Very popular here.
Pickerel or Walleye (as some folk call it) is the best tasting fish I have ever had. Fresh from the lake and eaten within a couple of hours of being tricked into the boat.
People up here are catching so much of it they are giving it away.
I haven't had to get my rod out all season.

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