
I don’t know why folk don’t like fish. As long as it’s not overcooked it is bloody delicious and easy to produce a fantastic meal.
I actually have a soft spot for smoked mackerel. If we are talking seafood, there is nothing better on earth than a seafood feast in a pub or restaurant in a fishing port. Lobster, languostines, scallops, mussels, fresh crab. Food to die for.
Was in Westport for the weekend.
The fish was to die for.
Sea bass is my go to.

Like Salmon and Mackerel. And Swordfish.

My father in law would never eat Cod. Always said it was bottom of the sea shite.

I have never eaten anything that lives on the sea bed or has tentacles. I should try lobster though.
I think sea bass is overrated, would never choose it in a restaurant, especially a fish restaurant.

I hate salmon, especially farmed salmon. I think it does more harm than good. I like fresh smoked sockeye salmon but it's expensive, I buy it if I see it on offer though. And I've always liked tinned red salmon with buttered jersey royals with garden peas.

I had Swordfish in a restaurant in Croatia, was so fresh and delicious.

Try lobster, it's tasty, but so is crab and given a choice I'd choose crab. Also fresh octopus with squeezed lemon and salt is really nice, same for fresh squid.

I've mentioned fresh because fresh fish is what is best. When choosing fish look for bright shiny eyes, if eyes are dull and sunken it won't be anywhere near as good, don't buy.

When I was a kid mum used to do fried red gurnard which was delicious, not eaten it since.

I like fresh kippers, prefer Manx over scotch. If only it had less bones i would eat more kippers, same with mackerel.

Basa is one fish I definitely won't eat. Basa is farmed Vietnamese catfish farmed in polluted water. Texture is fishy snot with a cheap nasty taste.

I think my favourite fish dish is monkfish with ginger and spring onion Chinese style, yum yum.
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Mashed is by far the worst way of eating potato. No texture at all, just gloopy shit with the taste, weight, and texture of wet concrete.
Nah, you've just never had really good mash with artery clogging amounts of butter and garlic.

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