Fixtures Calendar - 2023/24

I noticed that. The earlier TV game that day is at 1:00pm rather than the usual 2:00pm so I suspect that there’s a major event of some description happening in the early evening and they want the football done and dusted early. I haven’t got round to investigating any further yet.
Have they just forgotten the clocks change that weekend and the automatic time generator on their software hasn't factored that in?
So is that the Newcastle game the only game at the Etihad not 3pm kick off so far.
Yes, and I think when November picks come out, Bournemouth (H) would also stay at Sat 3pm ... next home game to change for TV is likely to be the Liverpool H (currently on 25 Nov) and then Spurs H (currently on 2 Dec).
Have they just forgotten the clocks change that weekend and the automatic time generator on their software hasn't factored that in?
The PL website actually makes a point of stating that day’s fixture timings are GMT so I strongly doubt that there’s been any cock-up of any description.
Yes, and I think when November picks come out, Bournemouth (H) would also stay at Sat 3pm ... next home game to change for TV is likely to be the Liverpool H (currently on 25 Nov) and then Spurs H (currently on 2 Dec).
Don't know how credible as I can't find it again but I saw somewhere on-line that Bournemouth is Sat 17.30 first week in November.
Enjoy these Saturday 3pms while you can because it looks like they are getting them out of the way. Doubt we'll have any after Christmas.
Calendar is now updated with October fixtures in the first post.

I am away for a couple of weeks next, so both the Carabao Cup R3 draw (on 30th August) and Champions League draw (on 31st August) will need to wait for a few days till I'm back. I'll update the calendar with possibly all CL fixtures as soon as I'm back (on 4th Sept).
Is there no wifi where you are going?

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