Foden video

jesus christ.. I've read some things about his mother on here but she seems like a real piece of work. I'm absolutely not condoning those lads hitting her but she seemed to be looking for a fight as much as them.

gotta be one of the worst posts on here. Middle aged women - someone’s mum nearly gets knocked out and your criticising her.

what’s wrong with you ?
Where is Phil on that video and how do we know it’s to do with him ? After gat defeat none of them should have been there anyway . Grealish starting to piss me off now as I think he will be the undoing of Phil foden .
Literally nothing to do with Grealish. Grealish went to the same event - didn’t hear much about him did we?
Anyway Foden has done nothing wrong in the video
The only thing that will stop Foden becoming a world class footballer is his attitude and behaviour off the pitch.

He needs to be very careful and I am sure the club are doing all they can to make sure he gets as much help and education as possible.

what does this video have anything to do with his attitude off the pitch? He’s done nothing wrong
You said a mouthful there!

“ She was clearly drunk…”

I know you were agreeing with me, and I appreciate it.

The issue seems to be that NO ONE IN ENGLAND seems to be able to have a good time without getting pissed up!

Even Pep said this! Ordered pizzas at midnight for a post game bash, simply because everyone is drinking but no one is eating!!!

He said something like, “Party in England is only alcohol, alcohol, alcohol, no food.”

I don’t know why it has to be this way, but having grown up above a pub, it’s a decidedly negative way of life for many. Too many.

That`s a bit Rich coming from a country were even the police shoot the unarmed and innocent in vast numbers annually and where drug use is at pandemic levels.

Britain is a long way from being perfect but I don`t think we should take advice on how to behave from a citizen of the USA where guns are the go to, not fists.
OK for the bloke to swing a right hook at her for trying to push them away is it?
She shouldn't have intervened and totally 100% inflamed a situation that was drawing to a close.

Those twats were walking away and she should've kept her mouth shut.

The prick that hit her deserves all the shit in the world, but that was a totally avoidable situation.
It looked like a typical Friday/Saturday night in most UK Towns/Cities.

No one came out of that video well, Foden's mum needs to learn to keep quite, close the door and laugh at the idiots outside. Those outside wanted confrontation and got it.

your blaming his mum. Just maybe the guys outside shouldn’t be trying to knock out a women. Doesn’t matter what she says or does. You don’t do that, unless your a twat

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