Foden video

Howson laughably claims to have been some sort of MMA fighter in his youth despite nobody of any consequence in that game ever having heard of him.
He basically joined the forces because he was otherwise unemployable and got sat on by even fatter lads in a ring for an hour
I only became an MMA fighter after my trials at City didn’t work out.
Looks like he does nothing wrong but any press can be seen as bad press.....

He needs to sort it out....He has EVERYTHING to become one of the best in the world....Does he want that enough....He could be in the top 3 players in the world or he could be the next Mario (who I absolutely loved but he wasted his talent along with other examples including recent rags).

Him, Walker and Grealish are the ones that keep getting mentioned for some sort of bad press....
Why are City fans making Phil out to be the villain last night.
He was being harassed and threatened in front of his family by 3 utter knobheads who gained access to the vip area.
His Mum did what most women do when there kids are under threat, she went on the attack.
Big hard man punches a woman whilst it's all being filmed for 10 minutes of fame and likes.
My only disappointment is Phil didn't grab that fire extinguisher and cave that cunts skull in for hitting his mum, under the circumstances he was very restrained.
Whether those maggots are scoucers or bradford, I hope some City fans catch up with them, do them some serious harm and film it for likes and shares.
Maybe it’s time for a rethink on a few things for Foden though?

Less concerned about him than the gammon in this thread whinging about his fucking hair and eyebrows and generally looking for any excuse to twist the knife with our own players at any opportunity.

This site is absolutely jam packed with horrible cunts who need to get out more.
Seems to be trouble, this lad. Never going to realise his potential until he ditches all the distractions, settles down and concentrates 100% on making sure we win games like yesterday.

Sadly Grealish coming here just seems to have promoted the English lad culture instead of professionalism. The fact you've already been publicly caught out with Greenwood should be enough for a sensible bloke to keep their head down.

Players shouldn't be going out after a loss anyway, nights out for sportsmen should be a reward for winning and doing your job properly, which they didn't yesterday.
You really come out with some shit, just about all the time. We lost a match, they didn’t lose it deliberately you fucking moron. Nights out are a reward, fucking hell

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