Foden video

100% it seems more aggressive in little old margate/ramsgate
as a brief side topic, was down in your part of the world last may, never been before. one of my closest mates from chester (where i grew up) now lives in margate. top lad, and really enjoyed visiting the place (although he did admit he's definitely part of the DFL, down from London, group, who the locals tend to hate)
That's for a court to decide. Based on that video I know who I'd convict

No reason why they both couldn't go to separate trials. I'm not saying Mr fire extinguisher ought to or that I want him to.

Just saying how it is, if someone was aggressive to you and you first acted in self-defence and then gave them a bit more e.g. by kicking them up the arse as they ran away... I'm sure you would think twice about whether to report it to the police and how much you would tell them.
The arseholes appear to have got worse post lockdown in this country, in my experience. Not just limited to Manchester. Seems to be a lot of pent up aggression and a lot of people are completely out of control now.
My wife read a report a few months back that was talking about exactly this. A lot of it is being put down the fact that under normal circumstance, there's at least some points of contact keeping in touch with problem individuals, be it social workers, the police, school, youth groups, whatever. but covid hits, any infrastructure to try and deal with problem idiots suddenly disappears, and behaviour has got quantitively worse. It's definitely noticeable in lev (alongside the wave of druids from chorlton who all seem to now be moving here too with very posh dogs)

I awoke to 42 notifications this morning, so it’s clear I touched a nerve with what can only be considered a “sweeping generalization.” My apologies.

I was trying to relate my experiences, having grown up in and around Manchester and still being a frequent visitor. In doing so, I have offended some top class, lawful, upstanding citizens of a great, historic City I still call home, even though I live elsewhere atm. Again, my apologies.

Yesterday was a bit of a shit day and I was posting at the end of it. I may have ventured into hyperbole or, as I said, negative overgeneralization.

To anyone offended, or who felt included merely by dint of their heritage, that is unforgivable. You deserve better, esp from someone who knows better. Accordingly, I will endeavor to do better.

As a FOC, who looks on wistfully from afar, it is easy to say ”Oh, the good old days…” but I’m reminded that some of those were not so good, either.

Everywhere has its good and bad, both places and people, but one of the things that will always be true of Mancs is their ready sense of humor, willingness to lend a hand, and “salt of the earth” qualities that other places could learn from. In short, there ARE bad apples, but the barrel is very large and the bad apples are very few in number.

Again, my apologies for creating offence through my poor choice of words and generalizations. I will endeavor to do better.

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