Foden video

You said a mouthful there!

“ She was clearly drunk…”

I know you were agreeing with me, and I appreciate it.

The issue seems to be that NO ONE IN ENGLAND seems to be able to have a good time without getting pissed up!

Even Pep said this! Ordered pizzas at midnight for a post game bash, simply because everyone is drinking but no one is eating!!!

He said something like, “Party in England is only alcohol, alcohol, alcohol, no food.”

I don’t know why it has to be this way, but having grown up above a pub, it’s a decidedly negative way of life for many. Too many.
Ah, that's not what I thought you were implying. I thought for a second you were trying to make out she's a bad mother or a bad influence in his life or whatever. I just saw a very protective mother who'd had a few. I'd rather our players didn't drink but that would make me a hypocrite. I agree, the UK drinking culture can lead to some very unpleasant regular occurrences, especially with football fans. Makes you wonder how often they have to deal with people like that, it would get old fast.

Anyway, as I said, I don't have much more to add. Logging off for the night. Hopefully this will blow over because I don't really think it's newsworthy, personally.
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jesus christ.. I've read some things about his mother on here but she seems like a real piece of work. I'm absolutely not condoning those lads hitting her but she seemed to be looking for a fight as much as them.

What I saw is a group of drunk and possibly coked up twats abuse Phil in an exclusive VIP area. His mum comes out, rightly tells them to fuck off and then pushes one of them, the other one then punches her, a 40-something woman, in the face.

Fuck me how do you arrive at your conclusion?
The big fights at the arena attract a lot of utter scum.. from a cross section of cities across northern England .. all pissed up after drinking all day and many coked up too. A recipe for trouble
Huge boxing fan, boxed as a schoolboy in Manchester and as a senior amateur when I moved to another city for university, strolled into their gym and had to earn my respect despite being derided as ‘professor’ for three months.
Used to write about it for a living for 15 years, published in BN, Boxing Monthly and The Ring.
Despite that, the MEN is the very last place I would go to watch live boxing nowadays
Unless you can afford ringside you are surrounded by badly dressed tinpot cunts who aren’t boxing people. Fans of shit football teams supporting their local hero. Usually a decent amateur who is overhyped by their local press and who beats a few professional losers from Nobby Nobbs’ stable but who crumbles as soon as he meets a real pro.
Ends up back on the bins or wherever
MEN boxing is Nobhead central. Cheap Albanian beak and shit lager since 10am. Parodies of 1990s ‘hoolie wear’. Burberry caps and Yorkshire/Black Country/Welsh accents. Complete cunts
Genuine hardcore boxing guys are in there at 6pm watching the four-rounders to see not if they win but how they move, their management of space, their feet and their sway. How much they are likely to be hit when they meet a real fighter.
A brief walk around town this afternoon told you this was not a boxing event but a festival of complete and utter parochial peasants and cunts.
Foden was daft not to have pro security outside his box but fair fucks to the lad standing up for women in his party being assaulted
Nice try!

I no more live in Chicago, or even the more specific areas of Chicago where most of that occurs, than you are SWP!

I live in an A+ (green area), about 27 miles (as the crow flies) from downtown Chicago, and even further from the highest crime areas. For context, Hale is 12 miles from Piccadilly!

As is the case with most Yanks, we say where we live based on the nearest BIG city, or (like IdahoBlue) perhaps just the state if there are no really close cities to give you a better idea.

What next?

Chicago? Al Capone..Bang Bang!

I get that in global backwaters!
Howson laughably claims to have been some sort of MMA fighter in his youth despite nobody of any consequence in that game ever having heard of him.
He basically joined the forces because he was otherwise unemployable and got sat on by even fatter lads in a ring for an hour
If I threw a stone out of my bedroom window I'd hit 20 'mma fighters'.

I sleep better on a night knowing cunts like howson have to watch the circus at old Trafford, hope we continue to pile nothing but misery on them for decades. Throw the scousers in too, it's a toss up these days who I hate the most.

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