Well-Known Member
Not many people had fridges when I was a young child living in Moston. we didn't have one for some time. We had the "larder". So mum used to buy the food on the day to be eaten that same day. Mould would just be cut off.
And eaten... nothing wasted in our house. haha. My dad used to make me a fried cheese, ham, onion and tomato sauce sandwich for supper.
I still do "use up nights " now - cobble together stuff from the fridge before its too late - my kids who are now in their 20's say it always kept them grounded.
Its funny coz when we discuss this they always tell me about their mates when they came around to our house were amazed to see a fridge full of stuff and a "help yourself" attitude to the fridge contents, crisps, fruit anything in the house. Now to my mind they were from "better off" families at the time - bigger houses - flashier cars etc - the family I was from were never that well off in the 60's and 70's but my dads work ethic was always to keep a roof over our heads and my mums was we would never go hungry.