Food & Service Issues 2014/15 (merged)

Re: Buying a Beer (Another Shocking Service Thread)

BlueAnorak said:
I tore what little of my hair out at half time yesterday. I got out of entrance 302 to join the bar queue just as the HT whistle went. There was already a 10 deep queue and it took 13 fucking minutes to get to the front and get served.

Just fuck, fuck, fucking fuck, How fucking difficult can it fucking be?
It's fucking simple:
[1] Have one person on a till. They take your money and give you a ticket with a number on it.
[2] Have the rest pouring the beer / getting ready the order and calling the number when it's ready.

You don't need fucking pouring machines you just need a system that works for the inept who work behind the counters - most of whom are clueless in the operation of a till.

And if the club is going to do fuck all about the shit service it could at least put the match on the Tellies so we don't miss the game.

Thank you. I feet better for that.
I don't bother at all now at half time its not worth it. All that fan feedback the club requested and by the sound of it have done fuck all for half time customer service. Its obvious that the caterers haven't any training in speeding up the service.
Re: Buying a Beer (Another Shocking Service Thread)

I bought a coffee on CBL3 and in the past they just ripped off a foil cap and put the hot water in. Last night a sachet of coffee had to be put in the cup and then I was presented with two capsules of milk. How to drag out buying a coffee in two easy steps! Where's the bloody Kenco that worked for ten years!
Re: New Season - New Food

I defended the food last year and put up with the prices but last night cannot be defended.

Ordered two chicken balti pies with mash and gravy, a hot dog, a bovril and a white coffee. Was charged over £22 for the pleasure. Then told you get no mash and gravy, just a pie this season - that's a big improvement (not). Then told they don't do balti pies anymore- so ordered a cheese pie and a beef pie. The hot dog was disgusting - boy ate the sausage but threw the bun it had a hard crust on the bottom formed by blue paper! Beef pie wasn't to the wife's taste and she threw most of it away. I never got my cheese pie and the untrained assistant couldn't get me a refund. The bovril was okay (I'm told) but my white coffee turned out to be horrible black tea.

No menu or prices were displayed, none of the staff knew what they were doing, no supervisors or managers were around, I was at the counter for ages (people behind were losing the will to live) - spent over £22 on a pile of utter shite. A really big downgrade from last season.

Still enjoyed the night - it was a great game - I will just do the sensible thing and change my catering arrangements - to be honest for £20 odd quid for three people there's plenty of other options.
Re: New Season - New Food

Got roped into buying my Sister a bottle of water - Fucking £2.50, for a bottle of Harrogate Pissing Spa!
Re: Buying a Beer (Another Shocking Service Thread)

when I retire I'm going to ask them for a job running the kiosks. they can pick the goods so at least they can still rip us off but i'll run the damn things. i'll pick the staff, the numbers and the preparation.

all free of charge.
Re: Buying a Beer (Another Shocking Service Thread)

We'll be served double diamond, cones of chips and wagon wheels the way our stadium catering is regressing. The only part of the club that's not improving.
Re: New Season - New Food

Drank my last couple of pints in the ground last night, at £4 a pint my mates and I have had enough. We decided on bringing a couple of cans each (not the drivers obviously) and drinking them when we are in the match car park. Not ideal but with a saving of over £3 a pint I'm sure we'll make do
Re: Buying a Beer (Another Shocking Service Thread)

nmc said:
We'll be served double diamond, cones of chips and wagon wheels the way our stadium catering is regressing. The only part of the club that's not improving.

Regression would be wonderful. Getting served in under 8 minutes would be a joy.

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