Football Leaks/Der Spiegel articles

Ian Ladyman.

Yesterday he asked Pep if the title wins are now diminished.

I might be 1000 miles off, but isn't any wrongdoing on our part here purely a UEFA competition regulation thing and absolutely nothing to do with the PL? Is there anything to claim we've done anything even remotely dodgy which would affect our PL status and recent titles? I know Juve got titles stripped for match fixing but that actually applied to Serie A rules they were breaking, isn't this entirely different?
I’m looking forward to an investigation as soon as someone tells the investigators what we’ve supposed to have done wrong.

Up to now I’ve heard plenty of shit but if it hasn’t broken the rules & isn’t illegal what the fck are we on about.

Shit houses hiding by “allegedly” well if I was getting asked in press conference then I’d say drop the “allegedly” & acuse us outright & if you haven’t got the bollox to do that then you’ll know why UEFA buckled.
i dont think it helps that society has reached a point where indignation comes very very easily. I mean, there was a bit of grumbling when Chelsea used to lose £100m+ per season but this sort of hyperbolic outrage for a few bent rules (in a game that, let's face it, has been bending rules for decades) should be saved for government policies or erosion of democracy. People do get in a froth over the strangest things.
I might be 1000 miles off, but isn't any wrongdoing on our part here purely a UEFA competition regulation thing and absolutely nothing to do with the PL? Is there anything to claim we've done anything even remotely dodgy which would affect our PL status and recent titles? I know Juve got titles stripped for match fixing but that actually applied to Serie A rules they were breaking, isn't this entirely different?
It is
But don’t expect a ‘shock jock’, as they seem to have become, understand the nuance of that.
They’ll do anything to be heard and get a rise out of the person they are speaking to, just unintelligent scum it would seem.
Martin Samuel, who criticised FFP from day one, also said in his article how it's managed to keep the 'Elite'
at the top, Serie A winners in the last 7 years comprise of Juventus, Juventus, Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,
Juventus and, you guessed it, Juventus.
Bundesliga recent results, Bayern Munich, Bayern Munich, Bayern Munich, Bayern Munich and Bayern Munich,
So FFP has worked very well for these two, but their leagues are now just a total joke, La Liga is the same.
The PL results are nothing like these, hence why the PL is the most competitive, and the most watched.
He’s not opposed to them throwing the book at City but only if they do it to all the other teams.
Too many shithouse journalist feeding there own agenda whilst hiding behind the word "allegedly"

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