Football Leaks/Der Spiegel articles

Funny Milan not getting any shit by the media in Italy for there sanctions from uefa and then them getting overturned in the courts!

This is why I was in favour of our club taking uefa on regarding ffp if we did the shit that we getting now wouldn’t be happing.
Just add it to the perpetual stick list
Small club
No history
No atmosphere


nah this one is bigger. this one provokes texts from family members and in random whatsapps groups from people who look down on football as a stain on society. "what's going on at City? didn't last long?". F**K off.
nah this one is bigger. this one provokes texts from family members and in random whatsapps groups from people who look down on football as a stain on society. "what's going on at City? didn't last long?". F**K off.
Just delete the WhatsApp app.
If the tight fuckers can’t send a text then don’t reply
They are blinkered by the love of there club and why all club fans thinks there is an agenda to there club.

I think they don’t understand their game more than other sports fans though.

There’s a lot of morons that follow football.
Martin Samuel, who criticised FFP from day one, also said in his article how it's managed to keep the 'Elite'
at the top, Serie A winners in the last 7 years comprise of Juventus, Juventus, Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,
Juventus and, you guessed it, Juventus.
Bundesliga recent results, Bayern Munich, Bayern Munich, Bayern Munich, Bayern Munich and Bayern Munich,
So FFP has worked very well for these two, but their leagues are now just a total joke, La Liga is the same.
The PL results are nothing like these, hence why the PL is the most competitive, and the most watched.

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