Fracas at Ewood concourse bar today!

another generation said:
Notinmylifetime said:
The Law also states that it is ok to give alcohol to under 5's if it is a medical emergency! wtf is that all about?!
As an emergency antidote in the case of methanol poisoning?

Its probably for when you have to perform say a tooth extraction or amputation at home, few swigs of whiskey should take the edge off it.
Most discerning 5 year olds carry a hip flask these days mainly due to the confusion surrounding the licencing laws. They find it saves embarrassment. Perhaps the op's lad should take a leaf out of their Janet and Johns if only to avoid future fracas.
Berkovic_blue said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Berkovic_blue said:
Did you deliberately cut that bit or do you not read so good?

And the key word amongst all that jargon is KNOWINGLY. I say again, good luck proving in court that the checkout monkey knowingly sold booze to a parent who then gave it to their underage kid to drink outside the shop door.
Well done at least from departing from Wikipeadia to acquire legal knowledge.

You have the bare-faced cheek to criticise me when you're even denying the legal age that a person can consume alcohol in a private place merely because I linked to wiki. I already knew the law, it was convenient to link to them

I suggest you go to bed and revisit this in the morning when you hopefully have a clear head (and stop acting like such a prissy dickhead) as you're making yourself look foolish. Just some friendly advice for you ;)

P.S Have a think about the word KNOWINGLY. Standing next to someone in a checkout queue or bar queue does not automatically mean you're going to give them booze to drink in public and the law does not assume this either. You will not be able to cite any relevant cases that contradict this.

I think you're the one making yourself look foolish by referring to checkout workers as 'monkeys' and making yourself look like a stuck-up person with an inflated idea of your own self-importance.
Is everyone that desperate for an alcoholic drink at a football match. The server has every right to ask for ID. If you were in the US you have to be over 21 and they are much more strict then we should have told your son it was own fault for not bringing identification not having a go at the server and her manager....! As I said is it such a terrible thing not to have a bottle of lager and just watch the game....
They refuse to serve because their scared to death of any consequences that might affect them if the guy was under 18 and they had served him, supermarkets are the same, my mrs who's 32 has to have her driving licence on her at all times, as I've not been to Ewood since it was done up, surely there are more than one bar?
For anyone else coming up against these jobsworths I would say there is also a law which states in order to serve alcohol you must be at least 18, unless served with a meal.

If the bar staff ask for proof of your age, you could ask for theirs too. Be interesting to set if they also carry I. D.

You still won't get served but could have some fun with it.
Suze9320 said:
Is everyone that desperate for an alcoholic drink at a football match. The server has every right to ask for ID. If you were in the US you have to be over 21 and they are much more strict then we should have told your son it was own fault for not bringing identification not having a go at the server and her manager....! As I said is it such a terrible thing not to have a bottle of lager and just watch the game....

Yes and yes, hope this helps.

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