Frankly it is getting embarrassing.

Mancityscot you are the most negative person who posts on this forum. Infact any forum. Infact you're the most negative person in the whole wide world, I bet every bloody day is a struggle.

And I've met everyone.

P.s. I disagree with your post.
ayrshire_blue said:
Mancityscot you are the most negative person who posts on this forum. Infact any forum. Infact you're the most negative person in the whole wide world, I bet every bloody day is a struggle.

And I've met everyone.

P.s. I disagree with your post.

Haha I enjoyed this post, a good absurdity curve if I ever saw one!
10.Goater_Legend said:
simon23 said:

i got the impression that a lot of people here and at games couldnt get over his ex utd connections (the agent hughes and all that shit)

KK - everyone knew his shortcomings but everyone supported up until he end

Sven - it seemed at the time almost everyone was against the sacking of sven. i think what may have tarnished svens rep with the fans was that final 8-1 vvs boro but upuntil then it seemed that most people didnt want him gone
Sven is the only manager I can remember in recent times the whole of (well majority) our fan base has been behind 100%, we all seemed very happy with his appointment at the time as well.

Considering who he replaced of course....
The supporters trust weren't happy though... remember?
DD said:
robbieh said:
We are doing bloody well at the moment.

The bare facts are that we are 3 points behind United and 4 behind Arsenal, who have had a good week.

I admit we are not playing like Barca but then neither are United or Chelsea, two teams currently above us. We are still in the same calendar year that Mancini signed for us, as are many of the players. Of the starting eleven last Saturday only Kompany and Zabba have played two full seasons for us. Thus as a team we are profoundly inexperienced.

The media are desperately trying to destabilise us. None of the teams above us are having such shit thrown at them. Friends of mine who support other teams now seem to have an irrational dislike of City that they never had before. Good sign yes, as it means they know we are moving in the right direction.

So why all the negativity on here. Give Mancini a break. Give the players a break and don't give the press any more ammunition.

If we finish outside the top four and are still playing dull football then by all means come back on here and slag off who the hell you like.

It's not the position or points total that has led to people losing the plot somewhat. It's the complete lack of value for money when you go to the match.

It's also the fact that most if us see that if we had just showed a little more positivity, we could have been right up there with Chelsea.

I get the feeling that should we scrape fourth, people will look at it as a great season whereas the reality is this year the league is there for the taking, but we lack the positivity to take it.

I can understand the small time mentality of our supporters, but it's that small-time, happy with what we've got attitude that holds us back at times. Some people are happy to accept any old dross on the field simply because it is at a slightly higher position than it was previously. That's not a winners mentality. It's an also-rans mentality. Where we were in the past counts for nothing now. This is a new dawn and we have to think like we are big time, not ex-small time.

95% of people on here seem happy to settle for mediocrity, and if you think what we are seeing now is good, then you are a part of that 95%.

If I wanted to demand value for money, I'd have stopped going 30 years ago.

If you look at some of this season's results, its clear no game is there for the taking, never mind the title.

Accusing fans of having a small time mentality is unfair. Just becasue someone doesn't demand success right now, doesn't mean they don't want it or don't believe it will happen.

Where we were in the past counts for everything. Its who we are and what defines us. When success comes, it will be all the sweeter.

95% of people on here can see progress, whilst recognising we still need to improve (a few more goals would be nice). 100% of people on here want the same thing -a winning team.
liscal said:
If I wanted to demand value for money, I'd have stopped going 30 years ago.

If you look at some of this season's results, its clear no game is there for the taking, never mind the title.

Accusing fans of having a small time mentality is unfair. Just becasue someone doesn't demand success right now, doesn't mean they don't want it or don't believe it will happen.

Where we were in the past counts for everything. Its who we are and what defines us. When success comes, it will be all the sweeter.

95% of people on here can see progress, whilst recognising we still need to improve (a few more goals would be nice). 100% of people on here want the same thing -a winning team.

I am prepared to wait for success after 31 years but the reality is we may never have a better chance than now. The league is average at the moment. It's not the super-dooper league it's being trumped up to be. Chelsea and United are showing chinks in their armour and we should be able to at least threaten that dominance now, but I can't see it playing the brand of football we do.

As for value for money. I have had value for money most seasons. Some more than others, but this isn't one of them, and with the kind of money we have spent, there is no justification for giving us entertainment levels on a par with 2006-07 under Stuart Pearce.
Mummy,mummy I want it all yesterday and if I don't get it I'm going to go on Bluemoon and tell everyone how I'm not getting "value for money!!!!"

"Value for money" ffs...this is football..emotions,passions...I've heard it all on here the op says we're in a great position but as usual the CM11 foot stampers know better than the bloke that's won cups and are still foaming about us not beating Birmingham's 10 man defence 8-0.

Sure it aint pretty at times but it appears to be working.

Let's see what happens when Balo comes back-we destroyed WBA with some of the best football I've seen in 20 years with hem,Tevez and Silva on form and gaining an understanding.

Time,patience and cool heads will see rewards.Not talkshite/Sun style hysteria whenever we hit a bump in the road.
I have no problem grinding out results, but it's usually the mantra of an inferior team that they should lineup up defensively with a hope to bottle the opposition first, and beat them second.

tied for 2nd fewest goals for at home with 7. Arsenal and United have 15, Chelsea 17. We have 8 away which is actually in the top half of the league.

Why do we have to sacrifice form and ambition for results? Don't we have a squad good enough to do both?
HellasLEAF said:
I have no problem grinding out results, but it's usually the mantra of an inferior team that they should lineup up defensively with a hope to bottle the opposition first, and beat them second.

tied for 2nd fewest goals for at home with 7. Arsenal and United have 15, Chelsea 17. We have 8 away which is actually in the top half of the league.

Why do we have to sacrifice form and ambition for results? Don't we have a squad good enough to do both?

But we've played Arsenal, Chelsea, Spurs,Scum and liverpool in our first 13 matches where as all of them have had a easier start than us and although i'd have liked us to score against the birminghams of this league we're still having to get used to playing against teams that require breaking down with 10 men behind the ball, this will take time for us to learn we're still a newish team ffs.

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