Frankly it is getting embarrassing.

cleavers said:
simon23 said:

i got the impression that a lot of people here and at games couldnt get over his ex utd connections (the agent hughes and all that shit)

KK - everyone knew his shortcomings but everyone supported up until he end

Sven - it seemed at the time almost everyone was against the sacking of sven. i think what may have tarnished svens rep with the fans was that final 8-1 vvs boro but upuntil then it seemed that most people didnt want him gone

So you're saying that everyone was right behind Hughes all the time ? LOL. I couldn't have given a toss about his united connections, it was his ability as a manager I didn't fancy, not once the new owner had control, with no money, yes he might have stabilised us a mid table club, the best we could probably expect, however I got behind him until it became obvious (WBA away after which he should have been sacked imho, because it was one of the most clueless performances in recent times) he was going nowhere.

Everyone supported KK up to the end, bollox they did, it was clear for at least 6 months that he'd lost the plot, and places like this were full of bitter arguments about it for several months. I continued to hope he'd turn it round, but he lost interest himself and when that happened he simply had to go.

Sven, was widely approved of at the begining, and he had a great start which helped immensely, but from christmas when things started to go wrong there were murmourings of discontent, and they were reaching fever pitch by the end of the season. I wish he'd been able to stay under the new owner because we would have been far better off by now than we are.

There's one thing unique to City supporters, they give any manager 6 months, and if we haven't won a trophy by then, it all starts again, and its why we continue to win fuck all, until we actually bite the bullet and get behind a manager, that will continue. If we'd got Mourinho in the summer and only taken 5 points from the last 3 games, there'd have been folk on here saying get rid, I've got no doubt.

To sum up....

Hughes was the right man for the job, if we were to stave off relegation with no money. City supporters were divided over his ability, a small number couldn't get round his rag connections or his welshness.

Keegan gave us great football, but we would never have won anything under him without a rich owner. City supporters enjoyed a great 18 months, until he started bringing in mercenaries with only their last pay day on their minds, and he failed to see why that method wasn't working, but he could only afford that sort of player sadly.

Sven gave us great football too, but was undermined by a lying owner, who was looking after number one, he lost interest in the project. City supporters weren't 100% behind him at the start, but his start got them onside, for a while at least, but he clearly lost interest once an owner had marginalised him, and his support dwindled quickly, after the 'revolt' at Middlesborough he lost any support.

hang on a minute clevers

I never said everone was right behind MH at all....he had a lot of detractors at games and on here ( iheard it with my own ears so dont bother telling me it didnt happen!). I even questioned his ability to form a complete team (esp defenisve wise)

i wasnt saying any of these were better than origional post was that he seems to have polarised a lot of city fans (including myself and my own other words i just cannt make my mind up about him)...there are a lot of people who dont like his tactics and a lot who do

the murmouring of discontent with sven came as a result of the rumours about the board goin g to sack him anyway...but i do remember a lot of support on here for sve n at the time

I dont remember the arguements about KK......though a lot of people seem to have very fond memories of him and the football he played...maybe he got away with his inadequacies for so long because of his attacking nature of his game (just an assumption)

stop being over bloody sensative will you...if you bothered to read my other posts you would see that i said that even though i dont like RM's tactics I can see what he is trying to do...i just dont think he has got it right yet...and i certsinly dont want him sacked....

So stop getting your knickers in a twist will ya!!!
DD said:
Marvin said:
Have the lunatics taken over the assylum or what? This is City, a team who have not won anything for over 30 years and now every single game has to be played with verve and excitement. It's 2 draws FFS. Not 10, and of those 2 draws one was against Utd .

It's based upon eleven months of half-hearted football, not two games. It's based on a season where we are clearly playing massively below our potential.

A lot of people seem to forget that you can go back to the end of last season where a lack of adventure cost us 4th place. The dross defensive tactics against Liverpool, Everton (twice), United and Arsenal and the sit back and let's get tatered classic against Spurs. It was there for the taking then but the manager wanted to do it his way and failed.

That's a gross mischaracterization of the end of last year. We went to Fulham with a very attacking line-up and tactics and won against a team that had just beaten Juventus and had Bobby Zamora at full strength. 3 days later, we had essentially the same attacking line-up against Everton. We didn't lose that game from lack of ambition. Mancini's dross defensive tactics then allowed us to win 3-0 at home to Wigan, score a dross defensive 6 goals against Burnley, followed by a dross defensive 5 goals against Birmingham. Yes, then we lost in the 93rd min to United, and drew away from home to Arsenal, but came back with a very strong 3 goal win against a good Villa team before we lost the game against Spurs. I'm not saying Mancini is perfect, but to characterize the end of the season as dross and defensive without acknowledging the goal feasts is absurd.
simon23 said:
hang on a minute clevers

I never said everone was right behind MH at all....he had a lot of detractors at games and on here ( iheard it with my own ears so dont bother telling me it didnt happen!). I even questioned his ability to form a complete team (esp defenisve wise)

i wasnt saying any of these were better than origional post was that he seems to have polarised a lot of city fans (including myself and my own other words i just cannt make my mind up about him)...there are a lot of people who dont like his tactics and a lot who do

the murmouring of discontent with sven came as a result of the rumours about the board goin g to sack him anyway...but i do remember a lot of support on here for sve n at the time

I dont remember the arguements about KK......though a lot of people seem to have very fond memories of him and the football he played...maybe he got away with his inadequacies for so long because of his attacking nature of his game (just an assumption)

stop being over bloody sensative will you...if you bothered to read my other posts you would see that i said that even though i dont like RM's tactics I can see what he is trying to do...i just dont think he has got it right yet...and i certsinly dont want him sacked....

So stop getting your knickers in a twist will ya!!!

Oh my appologies, silly me, I thought by "polarise" City fans views you meant put them at opposite ends of the scale, ie some love it, and some don't.

I never mentioned Mancini either way, and knickers are firmly untied, believe me.....

Basically almost every City manager I can remember has at some point "polarised" the views of fans, many because they don't have enough patience to allow a manager to build a winning club.
DD said:
robbieh said:
We are doing bloody well at the moment.

The bare facts are that we are 3 points behind United and 4 behind Arsenal, who have had a good week.

I admit we are not playing like Barca but then neither are United or Chelsea, two teams currently above us. We are still in the same calendar year that Mancini signed for us, as are many of the players. Of the starting eleven last Saturday only Kompany and Zabba have played two full seasons for us. Thus as a team we are profoundly inexperienced.

The media are desperately trying to destabilise us. None of the teams above us are having such shit thrown at them. Friends of mine who support other teams now seem to have an irrational dislike of City that they never had before. Good sign yes, as it means they know we are moving in the right direction.

So why all the negativity on here. Give Mancini a break. Give the players a break and don't give the press any more ammunition.

If we finish outside the top four and are still playing dull football then by all means come back on here and slag off who the hell you like.

It's not the position or points total that has led to people losing the plot somewhat. It's the complete lack of value for money when you go to the match.

It's also the fact that most if us see that if we had just showed a little more positivity, we could have been right up there with Chelsea.

I get the feeling that should we scrape fourth, people will look at it as a great season whereas the reality is this year the league is there for the taking, but we lack the positivity to take it.

I can understand the small time mentality of our supporters, but it's that small-time, happy with what we've got attitude that holds us back at times. Some people are happy to accept any old dross on the field simply because it is at a slightly higher position than it was previously. That's not a winners mentality. It's an also-rans mentality. Where we were in the past counts for nothing now. This is a new dawn and we have to think like we are big time, not ex-small time.

95% of people on here seem happy to settle for mediocrity, and if you think what we are seeing now is good, then you are a part of that 95%.

would you say arsenal and Utd are mediocre ? because we only a couple of points behind them. I swear our fans are the most miserable fans on earth. We are so impatient right now. I wouldn't blame the owners if they just took their money and walked and then we'd see what misery is all about.
robbieh said:
We are doing bloody well at the moment.

The bare facts are that we are 3 points behind United and 4 behind Arsenal, who have had a good week.

I admit we are not playing like Barca but then neither are United or Chelsea, two teams currently above us. We are still in the same calendar year that Mancini signed for us, as are many of the players. Of the starting eleven last Saturday only Kompany and Zabba have played two full seasons for us. Thus as a team we are profoundly inexperienced.

The media are desperately trying to destabilise us. None of the teams above us are having such shit thrown at them. Friends of mine who support other teams now seem to have an irrational dislike of City that they never had before. Good sign yes, as it means they know we are moving in the right direction.

So why all the negativity on here. Give Mancini a break. Give the players a break and don't give the press any more ammunition.

If we finish outside the top four and are still playing dull football then by all means come back on here and slag off who the hell you like.
Couldn't agree more, we gave Joe Mercer time... Think it was 2 years!
Lets get behind Mancini like we did at West Brom by singing his name! Also lets create a top atmosphere at Fulham!
Matt Diablo said:
mancityscot said:
chelsea/arsenal/united would have beaten birmingham and blackburn at home and wolves away.

oh do shut the fuk up FFS!

Hey, go easy on the poor lad, he's a well respected poster on the St Andrew's golf forum.
If you eat a spoon full of lard and a cup full of salt every day and nothing else you will lose weight, doesn't mean it's good for you or that it's a good idea.
Looking at the scales is like looking at the league table!

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