"Freedom" marches/rallies

You'd probably find that you are wrong. What you might be right about though is that they generally are opposed to violent riots.

So if they get violent, they should get jail. Same rules, whether it's Truckers, Climate Resist, or Black lives... Once you start burning, you should get some time.
not forgetting trump nutters.
You'd probably find that you are wrong. What you might be right about though is that they generally are opposed to violent riots.

So if they get violent, they should get jail. Same rules, whether it's Truckers, Climate Resist, or Black lives... Once you start burning, you should get some time.
Well, maybe, maybe not.

But unless you align yourself as part of this group (let me know if you are), we are both speculating, aren't we?

I'm speculating based upon the very obvious intolerance and, it's fair to say, in parts, hatred exhibited by said lunatic Qanon, Trump aligned nutcases and I think most neutral people would recognises those exact characteristics among that group.

But if you do consider yourself one of that group and can move us on beyond our mutual speculation, go for it.
I always point out the Lawyers who argued to shutdown Joe Biden's Vaccine Mandates we're both triple vaxxed.
Lawyers who defend murderers aren't in favour of murder either. I hardly think lawyers being willing to take a case is a good argument for anything.
I would argue that merely calling it an anti-mandate campaign is also disingenuous. All you need to do is scratch beneath the surface to uncover an intersection of the worst of the worst of conspiracy theory rhetoric underpinning a lot of what they are saying. To paint it as simply 'sympathetic as any other campaign' and that they're "fine with vaccines and are vaccinated' is clearly misguided.
Appreciate your view but I'd have to disagree. I'm not "merely" calling it an Anti-Mandate campaign. Rather, that's in fact what it is. If you are anti-vax, of course you'd support an Anti-Mandate campaign. That's goes without saying. But you could be pro vaccination and anti mandate. Here's an analogy has to why he's was disenguous and mine isn't.

It's the difference between a feline and a cat. All cats may be felines, but to call all felines cats will be wrong and disengenuous. Yet to call a bunch of cats, lions and cheetah all Felines on the other hand won't be disengenuous. Even if you have a problem with a subset of that group.

So no, my description and Bob's don't suffer from the same problem.

Also, what I claimed to be as Sympathetic as any other campaign is the overall demand against mandate and its irrationality..

You on the other hand are describing the peoples in the campaign, whole I'm describing the cause itself. Amongst those fighting that cause are some who are vaccinated and others who aren't.

And here's the difference, the cause isn't to stop people from getting vaccination. Rather it's to oppose it's mandated nature.

I know this because I have been dealing with these people in Canberra all this last week. I live 100 metres away from one of the locations they've protested. I see and interact with them everyday. So I respectfully put to you, that what you're spouting through your 'informed analysis of watching the news and listening to interviews' is not strictly correct.
Again, this is a false attribution. The goal of the march is obvious... They are matching to oppose the Mandate itself. Now, if you have information (since you are close to the action) that suggests their overall goal is to stop anyone from getting the vaccine. Then let us hear it. I was unaware of that request. I'll differ to your superior closeness to the action.
I've seen them spout anti-mandate rhetoric in the name of protecting small businesses - whilst at the same time review bombing any small business that exercises their rights to move them on from their premises.
Happy you too have heard them spout Anti-Mandate rhetoric. So it looks like I was right. Good. As for bombing small businesses" You can go back and read my position on that.

Any rioting deserves jail time. PERIOD. You set a fire to a business, break windows, I don't care Jail!!!

I have no tolerance regardless of cause. I said the same during the Black live 'Protests', the Climate Protests, January 6th 'Coup', The Not My President Marches and so on... It really doesn't matter what the cause is. If you violate the laws, Jail!!!! I am consistent on this.

I've seen them argue that they're doing this to 'protect the children' - whilst their selfish actions caused a suicide prevention charity to have to cancel one of their major charity fundraising events.
Yes, I have a low opinion of Protests in general. Because they often cause more harm and damage than the damage they often claim to support. Your experience above is a too Common result of almost all 'Protests'

That said, since we are lucky enough to live in societies where they are allowed, and I'm grateful they are, In spite of my distaste for them generally. I have no choice but to be annoyed and hope if they do more than protest they get to go To Jail.

I've heard them yell all manner of nonsense inciting violence (advocating hanging and killing politicians), talking about satanic ritual abuse and paedophile rings, voting conspiracies, election rigging, antisemitic and new world order conspiracy tropes. The whole gamut of craziness, and then add in a dash of far right propaganda with Proud Boys and other adjacent organisations within their ranks stoking dissent. When someone tells you who they are, I'm inclined to believe them.
Agreed. And just like you pointed out consistently in your post, they keep saying or spouting Anti-Mandate rhetoric. And I believe them.
Lawyers who defend murderers aren't in favour of murder either. I hardly think lawyers being willing to take a case is a good argument for anything.
I don't think your analogy works. But I get your point.

1. People who defend murderers often are arguing that no murder happened. So in a sense they hold the same position as the prosecutors. The only difference being they think the prosecutor has the wrong guy.

2. But more importantly, I get your point. That you may argue against a position you personally oppose as a lawyer. This is true. But I think in this case, it's more likely the case that the advocacy Lawyers actually believe in the position they are articulating. But your point is well taken.

Surprising how many easily manipulated bellends there are in the world.

They come out they scream and shout............. I have yet to hear their aims that they want to achieve ( seems like different groups within the main body want different things ) - there is no plan on how to execute their desires and most are stuck in positions after weeks protesting because they rushed in but have no exit strategies. Its just a mob seeking anarchy.
Agreed. And just like you pointed out consistently in your post, they keep saying or spouting Anti-Mandate rhetoric. And I believe them.
Here again you are being disingenuous. Just because they are hiding behind an anti-mandate rhetoric does not mean that that is actually what they want or desire. The fact that you are ignoring the nuance that they are using anti-mandate to mask and try to legitimise their cause, is either a bad faith reading by yourself or you are just as much a rube as the supporters themselves.

You completely ignore the other aspects of their actions and what they are saying. You try to diminish this by saying that you distinguish between the people and the cause, but when the actual leaders of this cause are sitting there telling you what they feel the cause is about, and the many nuances of it, you ignore what doesn't satisfy your narrative.

You claim that they are not targeting people who are trying to get vaccinated. This is not true. Yesterday, they were planning to picket a vaccination day where kids were encouraged to dress up as super heroes to get vaccinated. They also publicly gave out the number of the clinic and encouraged people to call the hotline to prevent others from making bookings. It was only until they caught wind of the public backlash to this, that they decided against it as they knew what a bad look it would be. However - this is what they actually wanted to do.

The authorities took extra precaution, and sent extra policing there in response.

They lodged a request with the High court in Australia to stop vaccinations for all kids (even if they or their parents want it).

The Australian domestic intelligence agency even notes that these protests are fuelled by anti-vaccination. If I was as disingenuous and concerned with semantics as you I would note that they don't mention anti-mandates. But I'm above that.

Here is one of the leaders spouting anti-vax autism claims.

Here is one of the leaders of the Australian movement, literally saying, "this is not just about the mandates" before he goes into Dominion voting machine conspiracies.

Here he is cosplaying as Chemical Ali - saying that getting rid of the Mandates is not enough

Same leader also advocating for the death penalty for 'treason'...


"after the Mandates the fight is still not over"


Here they are including satanic ritual abuse conspiracies whilst protesting outside the Australian equivalent of the BBC here in Canberra. I live 100 metres from this building.


Now we're playing conspiracy bingo. Of course we have a mention of the Rothschilds...


I could go on and on really. This is merely but a sampler for what these people actually stand for.

So the above is fairly evident proof that this is not simply about mandates. It is nuanced, it is multifaceted and it is deeply disturbing. As I mentioned previously it is a toxic mix of the worst conspiracy theories, throw in some sovereign citizen rubbish, add a dash of alt right rhetoric, and there you have it.

There are many legitimate concerns that people do have about responses to the pandemic that are worth discussing and protesting. However, the efforts of these people to try to co-opt something that seems legitimate, and then twist it for their own desires is doubly concerning. For whatever reason they protestors love live streaming. All you have to do is actually listen to them, verbatim, and it quickly becomes apparent what their true intent is.
Here again you are being disingenuous. Just because they are hiding behind an anti-mandate rhetoric does not mean that that is actually what they want or desire. The fact that you are ignoring the nuance that they are using anti-mandate to mask and try to legitimise their cause, is either a bad faith reading by yourself or you are just as much a rube as the supporters themselves
I'm not being disengenuous. But either way, I see from your videos you are mostly talking about Australia.

In fairness, I was talking originally about the Trucker's Freedom March in Canada. I can't say I know much about Australia.

But if their goals are just like that of the Trucker's in Canada and the U.S. then it's an Anti-Mandate. protest here.
In Canada... Here is what they are saying:

As you can see from all these videos are mostly from left leaning sources... So these are not your Fox News, OAN type Pro Protest coverage..

And their goals are stated and repeated ad nauseam. It is without a doubt an Anti- Mandate Protest.
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Surprising how many easily manipulated bellends there are in the world.

They come out they scream and shout............. I have yet to hear their aims that they want to achieve ( seems like different groups within the main body want different things ) - there is no plan on how to execute their desires and most are stuck in positions after weeks protesting because they rushed in but have no exit strategies. Its just a mob seeking anarchy.
Well, I guess once they tire, they'll go home. You just sit back and relax.

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