French politics | Macron calls shock GE

Watching France 24 English and this US/French dual national far right RN candidate is getting crucified and justifiably so
Looking at him screams Nazi nut job to me


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Still waiting for the result to come in for my « circonscription ». Le Nouveau Front Populaire has already taken a very clear position on the national level: in the case of three cornered fights in the second round, in every single circonscription where the NFP came third, they will stand down. Their position is — not a single far-right candidate to be elected, if they can be stopped. They won't be, obviously.
However, the government has still not as yet made its position, reciprocally, clear, as to whether the centre-right coalition will stand down in a three-cornered contest in which they were third this evening. Attal, the prime minister, is expected to make a clarifying statement.
Absolutely gutted to hear that in my « circonscription » the far right candidate has been elected in the first round, with slightly more than 50% of all votes.
Attal, the prime minister under Macron, has made a clear statement from Matignon (the French equivalent of 10 Downing Street) saying that the centrists and centre-right will stand down in the second round, in favour of the left and far left coalition, and against the Rassemblement National. Nationally, it's still very open. It cannot be assumed, however that all centre right and right voters will carry their vote over to the left, nor those on the left in the other direction. Far from it. The danger is now of indifference and abstention.
Absolutely gutted to hear that in my « circonscription » the far right candidate has been elected in the first round, with slightly more than 50% of all votes.
Attal, the prime minister under Macron, has made a clear statement from Matignon (the French equivalent of 10 Downing Street) saying that the centrists and centre-right will stand down in the second round, in favour of the left and far left coalition, and against the Rassemblement National. Nationally, it's still very open. It cannot be assumed, however that all centre right and right voters will carry their vote over to the left, nor those on the left in the other direction. Far from it. The danger is now of indifference and abstention.
Indifference and abstention is just saying that the people will go with the way of those who want it a certain way.

It’s looking more and more that people need to blame what the world created and nationalism is a way of closing down their concerns.

Very interesting, as they’ll still sell their climate consumption to the likes of a China and India, allowing the super rich to get richer and the poor …, well, get impoverished.
Finally, the turnout was not as high as projected at 18.00. 34% did not bother to vote either way. Quite a lot, if you think about it. Although still more voted than in 2022.
All parties have got two days to decide what their alliances are, and where they are standing down, and give their formal decision to the « préfecture » of the « département » by Tuesday evening. This is all being done in a hurry, I have to say, because the next round is next weekend.
Macron's poker play really backfired on him.

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