Funniest thing you have heard at a match

northstander said:
great thread this.
one of the best things i've heard was in the late nineties, when down at bottom of division 1 heading for division 2, sheffield utd away, halfway through 1st half sheffield fans start singing " we hate wednesday n' we hate wednesday," moments late city fans start singing " we hate saturdays, we hate saturdays " even in those dark days our humour was 2nd to none.
Cheers lets keep them coming
At coms i asked an oriental lady serving at the bar for a bovril and a packet of Salt And Vinegar crisps.
She came back with just a bovril gave it to me and i said "Wheres me Salt and Vinegar crisps?"
to which see replied

"We no do Salt and Vinegar "RIBS"

The whole que of city fans started pissing themselves laughing.

You couldnt make it up i swear.
Went to City with me Nan when i was about 14, she'd be in her 60's, and being a tough old Moss Side bird she didnt give a shit and Edgehill was having a mare and she stood up and shouted "Royle get him off he's SHITE!" Now for a 14 year old lad to hear his Nan say that was mad as fuck! People around us were clapping and laughing! She died 8 years ago now but that will be remembered forever!

Another old woman - she must be in her late 70's - had to stand up to let a lad out to go to the loo during the 2nd half of the game against Wolves the other week and some guy near me, jokingly, shouted "sit down!" dead loud! Everyone pissed emselves! then when the lad came back she stood up again and about 3 or 4 people were, jokingly, shouting "boo! sit down will yer!" She took it well tho!
About 15 years ago at coventry we had the usual good turn out but played total crap in the first half,
on comes the half time entertainment, a real dickhead noel edmund lookalike trying to get the coventry fans to join him in a song, eventually he gives up & turns to us blues & says something like "man city fans give me a cheer" needless to say most blues either hadnt noticed him or were to busy with the pies & bovril to reply to his plea so he got a bit of abuse but nothing much, so he tries again "man city fans give me a cheer" this time most of us had noticed him & he got a bit more mixed abuse at which point he should have given up & walked away but no the daft sod probably desperate to earn his money decided to try again,
"man city fans give me a cheer" There then followed what I still think must be loudest & longest combined shout of "FUCK OFF" ever heard anywhere, Whenever I get down I think of that tosser & the look on his face as it seemed like around 4000 blues told him what to do & it puts a smile on my face.
The funniest thing iv ever seen at a game, was at stoke away, when the man infront of me came back for the second half with pie on the back of his head, he was as bald as anything i dont no how he didnt realise, the match was so borin, but we didnt stop laughing for about 15 minutes, he kept turning around to see what we were laughing at, he was so parnoid he even smiled at us, haha he didnt have a clue!

The lads behind us noticed it as well, and they kept coming out with things like 'Go on you meat head'
Wheelsy said:
Has to be at the Veltins:


Five minutes later:


Apparently it was some important announcement, don't think one City fan heard it though..

i remember that, and we also sung straight after "who the f*ck are man united!!" i'll always remember that trip :')
sheephead23 said:
The funniest thing iv ever seen at a game, was at stoke away, when the man infront of me came back for the second half with pie on the back of his head, he was as bald as anything i dont no how he didnt realise, the match was so borin, but we didnt stop laughing for about 15 minutes, he kept turning around to see what we were laughing at, he was so parnoid he even smiled at us, haha he didnt have a clue!

The lads behind us noticed it as well, and they kept coming out with things like 'Go on you meat head'
haha how much pie??
This ones not at a match but on the tele! UEFA Cup final Sevilla v Espanyol, Hamden Park 2007! me and my bird did our mandatory choose a team to win and the winner gets £10! She chose Sevilla so i was left with Espanyol! Now she'd watched Sevilla's Semi final a few weeks earlier and knew they played in all white usually but as neither team were in all white she asked "are Sevilla in their away kit?" and i answered "yes!" thinking she knew that Espanyol played in blue/white, but she didnt!

During the game someone rang me and i went off to speak to the person on the phone and when i got back id missed a goal from each team! Then i said id brew up during extra time and missed another goal! Then right near the end of the game Espanyol stook in an equaliser that took the final to peno's and strangely me and my bird both jumped up celebrating! When i told her that was Espanyol she embarrassingly said that she'd thought Sevilla were in blue/white and she'd been routing for them for 115 minutes!

danburge82 said:
This ones not at a match but on the tele! UEFA Cup final Sevilla v Espanyol, Hamden Park 2007! me and my bird did our mandatory choose a team to win and the winner gets £10! She chose Sevilla so i was left with Espanyol! Now she'd watched Sevilla's Semi final a few weeks earlier and knew they played in all white usually but as neither team were in all white she asked "are Sevilla in their away kit?" and i answered "yes!" thinking she knew that Espanyol played in blue/white, but she didnt!

During the game someone rang me and i went off to speak to the person on the phone and when i got back id missed a goal from each team! Then i said id brew up during extra time and missed another goal! Then right near the end of the game Espanyol stook in an equaliser that took the final to peno's and strangely me and my bird both jumped up celebrating! When i told her that was Espanyol she embarrassingly said that she'd thought Sevilla were in blue/white and she'd been routing for them for 115 minutes!

who got the tenner?
kp789 said:
sheephead23 said:
The funniest thing iv ever seen at a game, was at stoke away, when the man infront of me came back for the second half with pie on the back of his head, he was as bald as anything i dont no how he didnt realise, the match was so borin, but we didnt stop laughing for about 15 minutes, he kept turning around to see what we were laughing at, he was so parnoid he even smiled at us, haha he didnt have a clue!

The lads behind us noticed it as well, and they kept coming out with things like 'Go on you meat head'
haha how much pie??

a fair bit mate, i'l ask my mate if he still has the photo

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