Funniest thing you have heard at a match

Forest away a few years back. Simon Tracey was in goal for forest and two lads in front of me had a conversation for the whole 90 minutes about would you call your boy tracey. Everytime he collected the ball the stopped and shouted in a high ptched voice "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Tracey!!!".

Being in my early teens at the time i pissed myself layghing.
mat said:
Forest away a few years back. Simon Tracey was in goal for forest and two lads in front of me had a conversation for the whole 90 minutes about would you call your boy tracey. Everytime he collected the ball the stopped and shouted in a high ptched voice "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Tracey!!!".

Being in my early teens at the time i pissed myself layghing.
ooooooohhh mince
The best chants I have heard have came fromthe Partisan crowd at Windsor Park in Belfast. Northern Ireland V England, Rooney got the chant He's fat, He's Scouse, He'll rob your fucking house, Wayne Rooney, Wayne Rooney…. He got so wound up that night he mouthed off Paddy bastards to the crowd lol it was brilliant.

Recently Poland played at Windsor and they were greeted with….

Go home, Why don't you go home, there are no jobs in Ulster, why don't you go home.

and also sung at the Poles

You can go and stick your car wash up you’r hole, You can go and stick your car wash up you’r hole.......
Walking towards the away end at Blackpool having had a a fair few drinks, two policemen appear behind us on horses. One of them neighs very loudly (the horse not the policemen) and frightens the life out of my mate.

He then looks around sees the horses and says "Blimey they're big dogs!"
a few years ago against Arsenal Henry had a shot which went way off target, was greeted by the usual 'wayyyyy' and people standing up with there arms out. Anyway after the noise went a man behind went 'va va voom that you twat'
Quite a few here:
* Burnley away in the Keegan promotion season, when they brought this fat tenor in a tuxedo and Burnley scarf on at half time.
He started trying to do 'Nessun Dorma' and at first he was drowned out by the City fans booing. Then his microphone packed up, and while he was giving it exaggerated bangs on his palm in a vain bid to get it working, he was battered with 'You're not singing anymore' and 'Shall we sing a song for you'. Then he turned round and flicked us the Vs behind his back!
* The Fulham fan with bleached hair and a bright pink T-shirt at COMS couple of seasons ago. They only brought a couple of hundred and he stood out a mile. The South Stand lads gave him 'You've only come for the Village'
* The fat Chelsea fan who was battered with 'I Predict A Diet'
* Not something heard as much as endured. Years ago, on the old Kippax at maine Road, we were playing a night match against Hull in Div 2 (bananas season I think).
This Paul Calf lookalike wearing white chinos and a leather jacket was in front of me and my mates, absolutely pissed and making a bit of a nuisance of himself. He shoved some blokes aside to lean on one of the blue crash barriers, with his head on his arms, moaning. Then he pissed and shat himself while still standing up, the arse and legs of his white trousers turning darker. And he just stayed there, until one of his mates tried to take him out — and got a smack for his troubles.
The first time we played at Eastlands, Barcelona friendly, my Dad, Uncle and myself decided that we would don Barca shirts as the atmosphere was bound to be jovial!

Whilst stood having a beer and taking in our new surroundings, a bunch of fellow blues approach to have some banter!!! One of the more drunken of the group decides to have a word and says to my uncle, in his best english with thick spanish accent, 'ola that ronaldinho going to utd then?' which my uncle says, in broad manc, 'fucking hope not mate'!

The look on that blokes face was pure comedy, after taking the biggest slagging of his life from his mates he bought us all a beer.......priceless......imo!
my mate shouting " you,re the only fuckin rennie that gives me indigestion" at a certain referee!!!

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