Funniest thing you have heard at a match

and at stoke. wheres your thrower gone. wheres your thrower gone when delap got sent offf:)
A couple of seasons a go there was a group of lads around me singing the beatles classic ' give peace a chance' but had changed it to ' all we are saying is give pearce a chance' they sang it for almost full 90mins it was funny as fuck.
where i sit there is a daft old man behind me ( to be fair he is there every game.) and against southampton in the cup at CoMs a few years ago weaver was in goal. he said to his friend 'dosent weaver look like david james in thet kit'.
and his friends reply was 'yeah abit exepcted james is black'. i nearly pissed myself for about 10mins. haha
Surely Moonchester's 'Taxi for Ferguson' has to be in there along with 'you got your track suit at Matalan - again to Fergie.
Back in the days og Gio he was about to take a free kick and everyone around us was shouting 'go on' in different ways:

"Go on Gio"
"Go on Kinkladze"
"Go on Georgi"
"Go on Kinky!"

And then this lad went: "Go on Gee-orj--ee-oh Kink-ker-lads-ee!"
Dobsy87 said:
Back in the days og Gio he was about to take a free kick and everyone around us was shouting 'go on' in different ways:

"Go on Gio"
"Go on Kinkladze"
"Go on Georgi"
"Go on Kinky!"

And then this lad went: "Go on Gee-orj--ee-oh Kink-ker-lads-ee!"

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