Game of Thrones Season 3

bluemoon73 said:
Andouble said:
Thatchersforearm said:
If the finale of season 3 is what I am thinking (and hoping) it will be then I can't wait for the reaction of those who haven't read the books. It will be epic.

I don't think it'll be the finale. It'll be like season 1 (Ned) and season 2 (Blackwater), probably an episode or two after it to semi-wrap things up. But I cannot wait.

Yes i agree,my guess would be the episode before the last,im trying to think what they might wrap it up with, maybe the plans for the purple wedding?
Ep. 301 – Valar Dohaeris
Ep. 302 – Dark Wings, Dark Words
Ep. 303 – Walk of Punishment
Ep. 304 – And Now His Watch is Ended
Ep. 305 – Kissed by Fire
Ep. 306 – to be determined
Ep. 307 – The Bear and the Maiden Fair
Ep. 308 – to be determined
Ep. 309 – The Rains of Castamere
Ep. 310 – Mhysa

Clues to be found in the episode titles so episode 7 could be purple wedding plans, there is a few easy to work out and a few tricky ones

edit: ep 6 is called the climb
ep 8 is called second sons...both seem easy to figure out.

Although, "Rains of Castamere" has a big part in the wedding, so could be that, makes more sense to be toward the later parts of the series really.<br /><br />-- Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:39 pm --<br /><br />
acquiesce said:
Slicker than Sommeil said:
The Red Wedding will be the 5th episode I believe.

Make sure you all pencil this into your diaries, massive scenes that I can't wait to watch after reading it this week (the book).

I think it will be the 9th episode, keeping in line with the major events happening in the penultimate episode in both season 1&2 (Ned's beheading and the Battle of Blackwater Bay). Plus the episode title the Rains of Castamere is a major hint for those that have read the books.

Ahh, must have been writing my previous post while you posted this, yes I agree it will be this episode.
acquiesce said:
bluemoon73 said:
Anyone know which episode George Martin is writing this series?

The seventh episode, "The Bear and the Maiden Fair"

Cheers mate i know he wrote blackwater last season which has been nominated for some awards.<br /><br />-- Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:13 pm --<br /><br />
without a dream said:
Hmmm not overly impressed by the opening episode, they've cut important things for the first time really. Though maybe we'll meet Belwas later on.

Yeah i mentioned no belwas earlier and also wtf was Jon snows wolf doing there, The Stannis/Davos scene was awful as well and nothing like the book, i did love Cersei and her nod towards the book readers when she said she had heard Tyrion had lost half his nose.
stonie said:
rose Leslie, I would.....

You admit to a fondness for daywalkers eh, people like you make me sick.

Long live the KKK and other narrow minded ill educated racist and prejudice idiots etc etc :p

Ignore the pic below of another ;)

well whilst skipping all of this thread i have only just started watching season 1...

yes i know shame on me cant believe how hooked i got from episode 1 late last night and then after episode 4 realized it was 5am and needed to go to bed :)
Rose Leslie is unbelievable.

What I don't get is why people would say "watch out for this episode, something big will happen" or give the names/potential names of the episodes?

It just ruins it for some people, some won't work it out but some will.

(and that isn't from a selfish point of view, I've read the books)

Personally I thought the first episode of season 3 was a bit shit, maybe it's cos it was the first one I have watch on Sky (the others were DVD or downloaded) and the fact it had perhaps 5 breaks ruined it for me.

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