Game of Thrones season 5

As a book reader I am glad of the deviations in story lines but many with the same ending. TV now caught up and in some instances overtaking. Cant see anymore books been written by the time the TV series have run there course.

Cersi tits looked lop sided though I wouldnt kick her outta bed!
I'm getting a bit sick of all the main characters dying all the time. the story is getting nowhere for most of them swell.
Think the last 3 episodes have been very good. Cant wait for the next series.

Cersi's revenge is going to be something to behold, the Stark girls will be ok, Snow aint dead yet, glad the spider and the imp are back together in charge of shit and Stannis got what he had coming IMO
I'm getting a bit sick of all the main characters dying all the time. the story is getting nowhere for most of them swell.

I don't mind them dying but it seems they are dying for shock value and not production/quality value. I agree totally with you saying the stories are a bit wishy washy due to it.
I understand the need to keep it fresh but after 2 seasons of build up then dead before anything proper, meh it feels a little hollow.
I don't mind them dying but it seems they are dying for shock value and not production/quality value. I agree totally with you saying the stories are a bit wishy washy due to it.
I understand the need to keep it fresh but after 2 seasons of build up then dead before anything proper, meh it feels a little hollow.

You only feel hollow because you've knocked so many out over naked Cersi.
will put episode thoughts in spoiler since it hasn't aired in the UK yet

The entire Stannis storyline very anti-climactic IMO. His entire arc all season was to battle to take over Winterfell, and it ended up being very lame. I know it had budget restrictions, but still.

I also don't think he's dead because they didn't show the death on screen.

I can't think that Jon Snow will stay dead, and the red-haired lady will resurrect him. Her riding towards Castle Black at the same time is just too convenient. Plus, without him there really isn't enough good guys in the show to cheer for.

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