Game of Thrones - Season 6

I think he will end up marrying Daenerys, as Targaryen's keep it in the family ;-)

I think both will marry for duty - Dany has done so twice already and Jon, even if officially released from his vows, will still feel honour bound to the watch. My money's on Dany's next husband being Euron, in return for him taking her to Westeros.
In The Game of Thrones no-one is dead until you see them die! The Hound is still alive I think, and depending on how his last encounter with Arya Stark went, when he begged her to kill him and instead she left him to suffer and robbed him, it could either turn him more vengeful or make him see the error of his ways when he was nothing but a lackey for Joffrey.

Is the hound not thought to be

the gravedigger of the quiet isle, also there is a chance Euron Greyjoy will want revenge on Ramsey when he finally meets up with nephew theon and finds he's had his cock cut off by a bastard, unless he sails off to try and find daenerys and her dragons
The story will end with the huge White walker battle V's the 3 dragons ridden by Dany, The Imp and JS...all having been revealed as Targaryan stock. Ramsey will not survive this series, Theon will cut his knob off.....Westeros will survive as a Socialist republic governed by aVanerys and a statesman Blair like Littlefinger.
There you have it.
Ramsay for the win

is there anything in the books about why Hodor cant speak ?

No, you don't really learn much about him other than his real name
which is Walder in the books instead of the name Wyllis given to him in the TV series. Apparently they named him Wyllis in the TV series so his name didn't get confused with Walder Frey's which makes no sense!
There will be a referendum to stayin the Seven Kingdoms or go it alone. They will began debating it in the next episode. Sorry for the spoiler!!!
Some of us have read the books, mate.... Not that it makes much difference (:

PLLK and I have been debating who the chosen one is for a while, his choice feeds kids to dogs!!


Ramsey is one of those rare characters in GoT that seems to have no redeeming qualities at all, makes him primed perfectly for the win at the end ;-p I actually I doubt he will make it out of this series though.
Is it only 8 episodes this season? 3 in and hardly setting the world on fire yet. Now fully expecting more of the same week in week out until the last 2 or 3 episodes which will be epic. So far a bit disappointed. Not even much tit action.

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