Gareth Bale

Bale is total class, he is the one player who would take city up a level, it would take a almighty offer to prize the lad away, if I was a spurs fan I would be totally gutted if he left, if city were going to break the bank then for me he is the only one.
Davs 19 said:
SergioInAddedTime said:
ElMatador said:
Why would anyone senior at city reveal who we are interested in signing on an Internet forum lol !!!
If iI remember correctly, one of Mark Hughes coaching staff delivered info here some years ago.

I know for a fact that Pablo posts on here......

Dont know if sarcastic or liar but:

Davs 19 said:
SergioInAddedTime said:
ElMatador said:
Why would anyone senior at city reveal who we are interested in signing on an Internet forum lol !!!
If iI remember correctly, one of Mark Hughes coaching staff delivered info here some years ago.

I know for a fact that Pablo posts on here......

And Garry Cook did pre takeover........
Blue2112 said:
leewill31 said:
Ray78 said:
Ronaldo. But a slightly more realistic target then it is Bale.

i would gauge both these targets as equally difficult to buy.

Don't know why but I reckon we could sign Bale a whole lot easier than we think. I reckon Spurs know its inevitable they will lose him sooner or later and they're only one injury off losing a massive (sorry) amount of money if the worst was to happen. His stock may well be as high next year but is it a gamble they're willing to risk. I think we could easily put a package together to tempt them, weren't they rumoured to be interested in Dzeko at one point?

ray78 ..One hand Levy is very awkward to deal with the Berbatov sale being one example , but we did sell them Adebayor without minimum of fuss and providing we meet their valuation then it would be a little less stress free imho.

i would like to think this is possible but hard to judge if we are ready to stump up the cash to buy such a player maybe from the sales we are seeing its clearing the way for such a deal.

plenty of time yet for us this window to see who may come and go.
ElMatador said:
Brewster's millions said:
Stoned Rose said:
The way Eastlandsblue words his post sounds to me like he actually works at City.

I genuinely think Bale is one of only 3 signings that would officially 'please' this forum.

It'd be a fucking whopper of a catch.

To refer to John MacBeath simply as John is a little strange given that most fans would not be able to place him just by his first name - does suggest a degree of familiarity.

The speed with which we got rid of Tevez still surprises me a little - almost like we were clearing the decks for something. We'll see.
Why would anyone senior at city reveal who we are interested in signing on an Internet forum lol !!!

Nowhere does he suggest he is senior. In fact he suggests the opposite.
steveredmondsthunderthighs said:
If were after a player and he plays in white and people are going to be dissapointed does that mean Pepe is on his way?

i would be fine with that but i know a fair few wouldn't though :)

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