Gareth Barry

haller said:
blumoonrises said:
What a total pile of shite.. I dunno the exact stats but he only made 2 or 3 stray passes out of 40 or so, his passing was mint including his part in the goal... some folk are so deluded and ignorant it defies belief.

blue eyed specs, probably the only starting england player he had a better pass percentage than was david james, and for a DM, he only made 1 tackle.

The exact stats are - Barry had 44 passes, 32 completed 72.73% pass completion according to opta. Only Gerrard (65/45 72.58%) and David James (49%) were lower. There are your facts.

Here is the link
I think he's done very well considering he's been out for 2 months with a calf injury and been rushed into a squad thats not been performing themselves. He made 3 bad passes and people want to hang him considering that Johnson gave the ball away a few times down the right which left us exposed Gerrard gave the ball away (but then Defoe got the blame for not latching onto the ball even though it was just easily read) Lampard gave the ball away which caused us problems and Upson gave the ball away once or twice if I remember. People make out Barry was the only guy that gave the ball away that left us in the shit.

As for the City performances Barry cannot last a full season. I heard that he was sometimes benched or rested at Villa during the half way point of the season because his performances were dropping to the fact his fitness was poor (no injuries included).
always like barry for city but must say that was a dreadful performance, passing was shocking. capello seems to be putting all eggs in the basket with playing through barry, very predicatable. hopefully its just a lack of fitness but he seems way off the mark stm and this will only show up against the big guns. hope he proves me wrong. one thing though, i've never seen anyone so emotionless on the field, placid is an understatement,
He did alright Barry, not up to his usual standards though, lacking match practice he'll get better as the world cup carries on
schumey04 said:
Sorry lads `i dont think he plays well for us even when he is fit

Wow, just wow.

-- Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:01 pm --

leighton said:
I dont think Barry has what is needed at the top level. All the top defensive midfielders at the World Cup offer a lot more than Barry. Barry has lost whatever speed he had and his passing has been hit and miss. I feel for England Barry is nowhere near the standard needed at the World Cup and in the big games he goes missing time and time again. I see his place for England up for grabs next season and the same at City more so if Yaya Toure comes to the club.

You never fail to seize the opportunity to have a dig at Barry. Everytime there is a thread about him there you are sticking the boot in once again. Nobody has any clue what plans Mancini has got in mind for our midfield but you can hope and wish all you like that Barry isn't in the starting line up. Personally, I like to get behind the team regardless of who pulls that shirt on.

-- Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:01 pm --

haller said:
leighton said:
I dont think Barry has what is needed at the top level. All the top defensive midfielders at the World Cup offer a lot more than Barry. Barry has lost whatever speed he had and his passing has been hit and miss. I feel for England Barry is nowhere near the standard needed at the World Cup and in the big games he goes missing time and time again. I see his place for England up for grabs next season and the same at City more so if Yaya Toure comes to the club.

totally agree, he'd be lucky to get in the starting line up next season ahead of yaya and nige.

Oh dear, how naive.<br /><br />-- Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:04 pm --<br /><br />
AntMcfc said:
I'll be very annoyed if he's part of our first XI next season, good squad player though.

Oh you'll be annoyed will you? Well, we can't have that can we? Do we take it that you'll no longer be attending the games (thats if you do anyway) if Barry is in the starting line up?

That is probably THE most ridiculous comment I have ever come across in my time on Bluemoon.

You're showing your age there, kid.

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