Garry Cook - Clueless

That was last season not this one DD.

South stand sold out first (completely), 110 and 109 complete sell out after than, then the other wings went.

They lifted the restriction on season tickets per stand. The only spares available on level 1 are the away end ones they have sold for Brum and Wigan.

Last time I cheked there were around 50 seats left on level one that were not in the NS, and that was early August.
Some people are so fuckin precious. We've waited years for a knight in shining armour and give us more than a regulation battle to entertain us. It pisses me off to hear all this bullcrap about Cook, Marwood, Bellamy, Robinho and basically anyone bar the sheik himself.

Complaining vigorously about the players on the pitch or the manager's decisions is fair in my mind but all this bitchy shit about the behind the scenes is doing my head in.

I spent years waiting for our day to come. I don't want our own fans to destroy our chance of getting there with poisonous infighting, rumours and lies. Can people not just take the leap of faith that everyone at our club is doing there best for the club?
Tueartsoverhead kick said:
KenTheLandlord said:
Knobhead eh? that has clearly established your immense mental power on the thread to win all arguments.
Have you rung the club yet to see if you can move with your mates?

Hmmmm you must have cried solid for a week when we moved ground ... pot, kettle and black spring to mind,

do you understand what pot, kettle and black means?
Corky said:
That was last season not this one DD.

South stand sold out first (completely), 110 and 109 complete sell out after than, then the other wings went.

They lifted the restriction on season tickets per stand. The only spares available on level 1 are the away end ones they have sold for Brum and Wigan.

Last time I cheked there were around 50 seats left on level one that were not in the NS, and that was early August.

That's just not true. Every single home game seats come on sale in every block in tier one apart from a few. I'll tell you how I know. Because my mate sits in East STand Tier 1 block 102 and I sometimes buy a seat near him if I need too. And at the end of a season a good number just move on or die or relocate, so a goodd amount become available then.
i'm hating the 'i'm alright jack' attitude on here from 'fans' who are not being forced to move because of the perception of the typical north stander - flask and hamper ect...

If they tried to do this to the flag and banner south stand there would be some tears and a different attitude.

it's a crazy ballache to move seats. we've got a really nice view, and i'm certain it won't be as simple as getting a similar view in the south stand as all the good seats there will already have gone. i think they'll struggle to fit a whole tier into the half in the South Stand.
RBmk2 said:
KenTheLandlord said:
Are you still watching the same match? the same players? the same team? Does it matter where you are sat? I fuckin hope you don't sit near me when you shift.

I know one thing bleating, and it is bleating, about where you are sat in a stadium is unbelievable.

Stop being so melodramatic.

It's called personal choice.If you don't want it,fine.I think people have a right to a say when they've made an investment into supporting their club.
I'm not in the North stand,as I've already said.
I wouldn't want to be anywhere other than where I am,though-and if I was being forced to move to another part of the ground than where I am now I'd sack it off.
But that's my right.

You've tried to get me to raise to you twice now,I'm afraid that you're not really up to it.

Instead,you can call this bloke a "bleater."
His issues are exactly the sort I'm referring to.
But hey-you're okay,so what's the problem-right?

Nice feedback from the spokeswomen but it does'nt wash, average of 5% my bottom, not for those sitting in the North Stand it isn't.

I sit in the North Stand with my mate and 4 family members, one of which is 8 years old and had a season ticket for 3 years, ourselves, we've lost count, maybe 35 years.

We have a great view, great facilities around us, we don't get wet or the sun in our eyes, we have made great friends of the regulars around us, we enter and leave the stadium with no fuss, no nutters or idiots around(I've grown out of that), we outsing the South Stand sometimes and we are near to where we park.

It now seems we must relocate to somewhere else in the stadium as we don't ALL fit the criteria to remain in the 'new family stand'

Granted my son and two adults could remain in place, but 3 of us must still move.

The cost for the 3 to remain: £405 for the 4 adults, £95 for my son and £210 for the old man.

If we all wanted to stay together and move to the cheapest similar seat, cost: £475 for the adults, £140 for my son and £280 for my old man.

That means an increase on last years prices because we don't fit the criteria to all stay together in the stand of £100 more for the adult seats, £70 more for the OAP seat and £45 more for the junior seat.

That is a lot more than a 5% increase City and we don't want to move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh I forgot the discount they are offering for having to move..., £50 per ticket, is that every season then??!!

Why should I potentially have to sit somewhere I don't want to at a cost I don't want to pay. These additional family seats and areas might be needed and are an excellent idea but why can't they go elsewhere, somewhere where season ticket holders don't sit, ie up on the 3rd tier, why bugger us about, we have sat in our current seats after 2 previous moves for 5 years now, there will be a lot of unhappy teddies around us as not many kids sit in block 132.

The season ticket holder survey was not clear in any way, shape or form with these intentions City.

Thanks very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stretford Born Blue, Brooklands

Yup, he gets to go, you get to go, and i get to go. Go tell those, for a million different reasons, who cannot go if they would like to swap. It seems this fella is moaning cos his ticket may rise £5 per match, to watch top 6 football.<br /><br />-- Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:28 am --<br /><br />
Tueartsoverhead kick said:
KenTheLandlord said:
do you understand what pot, kettle and black means?

yes i do, thank you!

are you sure?, because that previous post was nonsense.
KenTheLandlord said:
RBmk2 said:
It's called personal choice.If you don't want it,fine.I think people have a right to a say when they've made an investment into supporting their club.
I'm not in the North stand,as I've already said.
I wouldn't want to be anywhere other than where I am,though-and if I was being forced to move to another part of the ground than where I am now I'd sack it off.
But that's my right.

You've tried to get me to raise to you twice now,I'm afraid that you're not really up to it.

Instead,you can call this bloke a "bleater."
His issues are exactly the sort I'm referring to.
But hey-you're okay,so what's the problem-right?

Nice feedback from the spokeswomen but it does'nt wash, average of 5% my bottom, not for those sitting in the North Stand it isn't.

I sit in the North Stand with my mate and 4 family members, one of which is 8 years old and had a season ticket for 3 years, ourselves, we've lost count, maybe 35 years.

We have a great view, great facilities around us, we don't get wet or the sun in our eyes, we have made great friends of the regulars around us, we enter and leave the stadium with no fuss, no nutters or idiots around(I've grown out of that), we outsing the South Stand sometimes and we are near to where we park.

It now seems we must relocate to somewhere else in the stadium as we don't ALL fit the criteria to remain in the 'new family stand'

Granted my son and two adults could remain in place, but 3 of us must still move.

The cost for the 3 to remain: £405 for the 4 adults, £95 for my son and £210 for the old man.

If we all wanted to stay together and move to the cheapest similar seat, cost: £475 for the adults, £140 for my son and £280 for my old man.

That means an increase on last years prices because we don't fit the criteria to all stay together in the stand of £100 more for the adult seats, £70 more for the OAP seat and £45 more for the junior seat.

That is a lot more than a 5% increase City and we don't want to move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh I forgot the discount they are offering for having to move..., £50 per ticket, is that every season then??!!

Why should I potentially have to sit somewhere I don't want to at a cost I don't want to pay. These additional family seats and areas might be needed and are an excellent idea but why can't they go elsewhere, somewhere where season ticket holders don't sit, ie up on the 3rd tier, why bugger us about, we have sat in our current seats after 2 previous moves for 5 years now, there will be a lot of unhappy teddies around us as not many kids sit in block 132.

The season ticket holder survey was not clear in any way, shape or form with these intentions City.

Thanks very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stretford Born Blue, Brooklands

Yup, he gets to go, you get to go, and i get to go. Go tell those, for a million different reasons, who cannot go if they would like to swap. It seems this fella is moaning cos his ticket may rise £5 per match, to watch top 6 football.

-- Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:28 am --

Tueartsoverhead kick said:
yes i do, thank you!

are you sure?, because that previous post was nonsense.

obviously you dont then ? your boring me now im off to bed!
I wouldn't want to be anywhere other than where I am,though-and if I was being forced to move to another part of the ground than where I am now I'd sack it off.

That is quite an amazing quote.


Nothing else you say on this matter has any credibility with me any more.

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