Garry Cook - Clueless

citytill1die84 said:
mainestand said:
2015 uefa's new rule comes into play. You can only spend what you earn.


are you that naive that you dont think city will find a way around this.

there is no law in the world that will not allow an owner investing in his own property.

as for the opening post, simply the best post on this board bar none, i agree with every last sentiment
citytill1die84 said:
mainestand said:
2015 uefa's new rule comes into play. You can only spend what you earn.


Well, you had better prepare yourself for Glazer like increases and much, much more if you honestly believe that this is the case. Because increases out of the fan's pocket like this won't even make a dent in the spending/earning ratio of this club.

Do you honestly think that such increases take us anywhere near to spending what we earn?

Of course not. Are you aware of the money that the club has spent, is spending and is likely to spend in the future?

You think that this is going to even register in relation to that?

Not a chance.

Although I will give you that it looks like they are going after the corporate market in a huge way so, in shafting and shifting the ordinary fan in favour of that revenue stream, there may be a minamal impact. But the increase in ordinary season tickets will do nothing in relation to your argument.

I would suggest that you have been swallowing Cook's spin and rhetoric but, to be honest, I don't expect him to put up anything that amounts to a coherent defence of this decision. It'll just be some spin about other club's prices and how he remains committed to the fans and he has a real respect for.......... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Spin, spin, spin.
Re: Garry Cook - Clueless - maybe not

Ifwecouldjust....... said:
Decision any thing to do with the possible ruling on European Football perhaps?

Clubs in the future can no longer be 'bankrolled' and will have to pay their way.

ie money in through the turnstiles must equal money out on salaries etc

perhaps better staged increases through the years to come than one big increase in 4 years time

still one of the best value clubs in the league and certainly in the top 4

Probably part of the case. However why doesnt Cook say this, rather than some bollocks around matchday experiences - we just want good football and a team that fight for the shirt.

Also the increase is far too much, considering poor public service and non-exisitent private sector pay settlements.

Great post OP
fathellensbellend said:
citytill1die84 said:

are you that naive that you dont think city will find a way around this.

there is no law in the world that will not allow an owner investing in his own property.

as for the opening post, simply the best post on this board bar none, i agree with every last sentiment

Not at all, but our owners bought a business and have already ploughed millions into it to get if off the ground. Eventually every business has to start making money for it to become a successful business, which is what in my eyes they are about to do, with merchandise more food and drink outlets inside and outside the ground (city st), and whatever else they have planned to get that extra pound out of us. Like you say they may find a way around it but where uefa and fifa are concerned i wont hold my breath.
SalfordCityBlue said:
As a fellow Cook defender, I say this with a really heavy heart...

Great fucking post.
^^^^^this^^^^^, of course I'll renew, I would have renewed if they had doubled it BUT as a North Stander if they can only find me a seat in the gods of the C Bell stand I won't!!!!!
BTW what is Cook's idea of a "match day experience" because mine is having a few bevvies with my mates and my dad, sitting next to my mates and my dad who I've sat next to for donkeys years and cheering on the boys in blue like I have done for donkeys years, call me old fashioned if you want!
Ha ha ha ha.

Another classic Bluemoon moment.

Couple of things for the JMA.

You openly state the price hikes don't effect you - in which case the entire gist of your post is some sort of "Working Class Hero" embarrassing.

Secondly, I see again Cook carries the can, and our owners are left well alone. Nothing to do with them I hear you say? Prove it. Seriously, prove that Khaldoon had nothing to do with it.

You can't - which makes this whole thread one big massive piece of tabloid journalism...

How fitting...;- )

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