Garry Cook - Clueless

Mr Cook states "our fans are the heart of our club and our absolute priority........."!!!!

well bollocks to that - I'm being forced to move from the North Stand to worse and more expensive seats , away from friends I've known and sat with for years

Cook, you haven't a clue
shadygiz said:
BillyShears said:
Oh and match day revenue is just a drop in the ocean...doesn't mean anything?

Rags and Arse bring in over 70 million pounds per season in match day revenue.

I'd say that's a pretty big drop, even in Sheikh Mansoor's ocean...

But lets keep blaming Cooky. Everyone's favourite whipping boy...

the difference being though; the rags n arse have been consistent top 4/champs league team for years...we haven't won fuck all yet nor even qualified for chumps league and we get hit by "matchday experiences"

Yeah, because we're buying chumps league players and paying chumps league wages, and hopefully will be in the chumps league next season...

Look, I can understand people are upset - especially with people being uprooted from their seats. Seems a bit of a daft move on the face of it, but I'm sure the people behind the scenes didn't just wake up and go "i know, lets fuck off a bunch of supporters, to make room for the prawn sandwich brigade". The owners have done lots for the supporters, not least of which is to buy the fucking club in the first place and attempt to turn us into a decent footballing team...I think we can cut them a little slack here...

As for Cook carrying the can. It's dead simple. That's speculation. The entire fucking OP is based on the premise that, very conveniently, Khaldoon would have no idea about this, and by proxy the Sheikh. Forgive me if I don't buy that...
BillyShears said:
shadygiz said:
the difference being though; the rags n arse have been consistent top 4/champs league team for years...we haven't won fuck all yet nor even qualified for chumps league and we get hit by "matchday experiences"

Yeah, because we're buying chumps league players and paying chumps league wages, and hopefully will be in the chumps league next season...

Look, I can understand people are upset - especially with people being uprooted from their seats. Seems a bit of a daft move on the face of it, but I'm sure the people behind the scenes didn't just wake up and go "i know, lets fuck off a bunch of supporters, to make room for the prawn sandwich brigade". The owners have done lots for the supporters, not least of which is to buy the fucking club in the first place and attempt to turn us into a decent footballing team...I think we can cut them a little slack here...

As for Cook carrying the can. It's dead simple. That's speculation. The entire fucking OP is based on the premise that, very conveniently, Khaldoon would have no idea about this, and by proxy the Sheikh. Forgive me if I don't buy that...

they haven't bought this club for the supporters mate....lets be honest....they bought the club to turn into a global marketing brand and ultimately make them money....we, the supporters are a side product of that
Agree 100% with OP.I want to watch a game of football,have a couple of pints at half-time and meet up with guys who sit next to me,week in,week out.That is all the match day experience I want.What I dont want is fookin jugglers,magic artists or pricks making balloon animals bumping into me on the concourse! I can go to the circus for that shite!
I have never followed anyones spin where my club is concerned, i learnt that back in the late seventies. Listening to the bullshit that comes out of every chairman, or these days ceo, from every single club in the world when it comes to selling the club they own or work for, to get that cash coming over the counter. People can choose to do what they want with their own money, When i go to the match i do not buy a single thing inside the stadium, thats every stadium home and away, because i know i'm going to be ripped off if i do, common sense.
Like has been said city will never make enough money through ticket and merchandise sales alone, we have never yet filled the executive seats in the Colin Bell stand level 2 since we moved to Eastlands.
The main thing is this thread. Another slagging for an individual who is employed by mcfc. Stop and think for a minute how much does city mean to you, for me it's my religion, i go to every match like thousands of others, and i defend my club to the hilt, and am getting totally pissed off with the slagging off of the club, the bullshitting ITK's, the a friend of my mates told me merchants, wake up and see the damage you are causing to your club.
Yes some of you are calling me a stupid ****, wanker, tosser, and the rest, but i'll still be going to watch City where ever they play in the world, because i can think for myself and not believe the shit in all the newspapers and all the the different message boards.
shadygiz said:
BillyShears said:
Yeah, because we're buying chumps league players and paying chumps league wages, and hopefully will be in the chumps league next season...

Look, I can understand people are upset - especially with people being uprooted from their seats. Seems a bit of a daft move on the face of it, but I'm sure the people behind the scenes didn't just wake up and go "i know, lets fuck off a bunch of supporters, to make room for the prawn sandwich brigade". The owners have done lots for the supporters, not least of which is to buy the fucking club in the first place and attempt to turn us into a decent footballing team...I think we can cut them a little slack here...

As for Cook carrying the can. It's dead simple. That's speculation. The entire fucking OP is based on the premise that, very conveniently, Khaldoon would have no idea about this, and by proxy the Sheikh. Forgive me if I don't buy that...

they haven't bought this club for the supporters mate....lets be honest....they bought the club to turn into a global marketing brand and ultimately make them money....we, the supporters are a side product of that

I didn't say they bought it for the supporters. I said in buying it they have done a hell of a lot for the supporters.

Like I say once again, so no one misunderstands. I totally get why people are fucked off, and Bluemoon is here to have a moan at the club. But the OP is attacking Garry Cook, in a very personal manner and trying to absolve ADUG of any blame. I'm not having that. He has no idea of how much involvement Khaldoon had. Irrespective, I find it hard to believe that Cook is left to make decisions like this, without fully explaining them to Khaldoon and getting his approval...
shadygiz said:
BillyShears said:
Yeah, because we're buying chumps league players and paying chumps league wages, and hopefully will be in the chumps league next season...

Look, I can understand people are upset - especially with people being uprooted from their seats. Seems a bit of a daft move on the face of it, but I'm sure the people behind the scenes didn't just wake up and go "i know, lets fuck off a bunch of supporters, to make room for the prawn sandwich brigade". The owners have done lots for the supporters, not least of which is to buy the fucking club in the first place and attempt to turn us into a decent footballing team...I think we can cut them a little slack here...

As for Cook carrying the can. It's dead simple. That's speculation. The entire fucking OP is based on the premise that, very conveniently, Khaldoon would have no idea about this, and by proxy the Sheikh. Forgive me if I don't buy that...

they haven't bought this club for the supporters mate....lets be honest....they bought the club to turn into a global marketing brand and ultimately make them money....we, the supporters are a side product of that

we are clever enough to know this but why such a shock at the price rise by some????
Simple question: Out of the top 5 current clubs who have the cheapest season tickets?

Second question: Who out of the top 5 clubs will have the cheapest season tickets after a 6% rise next season?

Still great value for money, plus we will probably spen another 100-200M next season!
I've always been less than impressed by Mr Cook.

But whether or not he personally championed, agreed or just went along with the price rise is unknown. I would guess, based on a knowledge of other organisations, that the proposal came from an accountant.

Process aside however, the price rise is an indication of how little appreciation some people at the club ( and I include Cook) reallyhave of the fan base and what constitutes value to someone who actually cares.
BillyShears said:
shadygiz said:
they haven't bought this club for the supporters mate....lets be honest....they bought the club to turn into a global marketing brand and ultimately make them money....we, the supporters are a side product of that

I didn't say they bought it for the supporters. I said in buying it they have done a hell of a lot for the supporters.

Like I say once again, so no one misunderstands. I totally get why people are fucked off, and Bluemoon is here to have a moan at the club. But the OP is attacking Garry Cook, in a very personal manner and trying to absolve ADUG of any blame. I'm not having that. He has no idea of how much involvement Khaldoon had. Irrespective, I find it hard to believe that Cook is left to make decisions like this, without fully explaining them to Khaldoon and getting his approval...

totally agree with you mate tbf

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