Garry Cook

Alex the Blue said:
DontLookBackInAnger said:
Alex the Blue said:
Surely anybody who actually listened to the interview should realise what a fantastic job he did for City, especially the negotiations with ADUG.

For me his only real mistake was not coming clean about the email to Ned's Mum and offering an immediate apology. If he'd done that I think he would still be with us leading us onwards and upwards.

On a personal level I'll always be grateful to him for accelerating the Sierra Leone Appeal. You'd have to visit the country to see what an enormous impact that Appeal has had on so many people. I'd take Garry Cook back tomorrow.

I agree with much of what you said, but I would take issue with regards to the Ned Mums Email. It wasn't so much he didn't come clean, he lied and thats in the end what did him in, you do something like that to your employer and you will be damn lucky to have a job at the end of it.

No need to take issue, I agree with what you say. If he'd come clean immediately he wouldn't have told any lies.

Agreed however he did have to go and that was the right thing I am sure it was a hard lesson to take about the lie and he lost a lot for a few minutes of
madness .However on balance he did well for the club so 70 % good 30% bad

same percentage the Chinese gave Mao after he went
I didn't listen to the BBC interview because, to be frank, I've already met, interviewed and chatted with Cook on lots of occasions. Some were at particularly low points along the journey others at fairly significant positive moments.

My view of Cook is quite clear.... without his vision back in 2008 the Club would not have developed. Cook managed to clear out some of City's negativity and helped establish the vision that became the 'project'.

Many of his 'non-City supporting' critics highlighted his gaffes way out of proportion because they knew he was extremely good for MCFC. One very senior MCFC official once said to me at the height of the negativity towards Cook that they would 'rather have Cook warts and all, than someone who ducked every issue and hid from the media'. He was also described as a City warrior.

Cook is a passionate Blue now
Gary James said:
I didn't listen to the BBC interview because, to be frank, I've already met, interviewed and chatted with Cook on lots of occasions. Some were at particularly low points along the journey others at fairly significant positive moments.

My view of Cook is quite clear.... without his vision back in 2008 the Club would not have developed. Cook managed to clear out some of City's negativity and helped establish the vision that became the 'project'.

Many of his 'non-City supporting' critics highlighted his gaffes way out of proportion because they knew he was extremely good for MCFC. One very senior MCFC official once said to me at the height of the negativity towards Cook that they would 'rather have Cook warts and all, than someone who ducked every issue and hid from the media'. He was also described as a City warrior.

Cook is a passionate Blue now

Great post Gary, shame some Dismal posters on here can't see past the fact he "bought fans pints" and made a few PR gaffs. What he did "behind the scenes" is what he should be judged on, he was the CEO, not the head of PR!

The strides City made off the field under his stewardship are as astonishing as the strides we made on it. His vision is what sold the club to Sheik Mansour, and in 100 years time the day he bought the club will be seen as the most significant day in the history of the club.

I'm glad to hear that him and Dr Onouha are on good terms, that email was completely out of order and a huge mistake. If she can forgive him though, I certainly can, and it would be fantastic if he could come back on board and finish the project he started.
Mr Cook made a couple of mistakes, but that's life, hold up your hand if you have never made a mistake!!

I am not an ITK and don't want to be but I do know that when City played in the USA a couple of years ago he spoke to my son, daughter in law and granddaughters and even posed for photos with them and was very friendly and knowledgeable according to them.

Since then other fans who have met him have said what a good bloke he is so I go by their opinions and people like Alex the Blue & Gary James who had personal contact with him and whose opinions I respect.

Just MHO
Gary James said:
I didn't listen to the BBC interview because, to be frank, I've already met, interviewed and chatted with Cook on lots of occasions. Some were at particularly low points along the journey others at fairly significant positive moments.

My view of Cook is quite clear.... without his vision back in 2008 the Club would not have developed. Cook managed to clear out some of City's negativity and helped establish the vision that became the 'project'.

Many of his 'non-City supporting' critics highlighted his gaffes way out of proportion because they knew he was extremely good for MCFC. One very senior MCFC official once said to me at the height of the negativity towards Cook that they would 'rather have Cook warts and all, than someone who ducked every issue and hid from the media'. He was also described as a City warrior.

Cook is a passionate Blue now

Good to hear Gary, I hear a lot of positives about him from people at the club who would have him back in an instant.
Shaelumstash said:
Gary James said:
I didn't listen to the BBC interview because, to be frank, I've already met, interviewed and chatted with Cook on lots of occasions. Some were at particularly low points along the journey others at fairly significant positive moments.

My view of Cook is quite clear.... without his vision back in 2008 the Club would not have developed. Cook managed to clear out some of City's negativity and helped establish the vision that became the 'project'.

Many of his 'non-City supporting' critics highlighted his gaffes way out of proportion because they knew he was extremely good for MCFC. One very senior MCFC official once said to me at the height of the negativity towards Cook that they would 'rather have Cook warts and all, than someone who ducked every issue and hid from the media'. He was also described as a City warrior.

Cook is a passionate Blue now

Great post Gary, shame some Dismal posters on here can't see past the fact he "bought fans pints" and made a few PR gaffs. What he did "behind the scenes" is what he should be judged on, he was the CEO, not the head of PR!

The strides City made off the field under his stewardship are as astonishing as the strides we made on it. His vision is what sold the club to Sheik Mansour, and in 100 years time the day he bought the club will be seen as the most significant day in the history of the club.

I'm glad to hear that him and Dr Onouha are on good terms, that email was completely out of order and a huge mistake. If she can forgive him though, I certainly can, and it would be fantastic if he could come back on board and finish the project he started.

Well said. But as they say hate is blind. The only ones smiling when he went were the rags, media and the boo boys on here. I for one would love him back!
i think more of him after reading more posts.

my mate knows him from being a kid, went to school with him and he says hes a top lad.

that'lle do me after what he achieved at city.

bring him back!
Gary James said:
I didn't listen to the BBC interview because, to be frank, I've already met, interviewed and chatted with Cook on lots of occasions. Some were at particularly low points along the journey others at fairly significant positive moments.

My view of Cook is quite clear.... without his vision back in 2008 the Club would not have developed. Cook managed to clear out some of City's negativity and helped establish the vision that became the 'project'.

Many of his 'non-City supporting' critics highlighted his gaffes way out of proportion because they knew he was extremely good for MCFC. One very senior MCFC official once said to me at the height of the negativity towards Cook that they would 'rather have Cook warts and all, than someone who ducked every issue and hid from the media'. He was also described as a City warrior.

Cook is a passionate Blue now
Brilliant post Gary.

However I'm sure there will be those who know better, who believe that saying "United Hall of Fame" instead of "City Hall of Fame" renders all that completely irrelevant.
blueyorkie said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
peoffrey said:
Our Owners also met with other Premiership Clubs. Do you think Cook could've sold them Everton or Villa?

They eventually refused to deal with Everton & Newcastle because their boards were deemed to be unprofessional. Our executive board, led by Cook, was seen as a serious and professional group of people who had a compelling vision for the club. Whatever his gaffes, this club owes Cook a lot.

Spot on Colin

LOL! Would you have been able to write that yourself? And calling PB by his first name just makes the two of you look cliquey.

Cook had a fantastic job yet the only lie we know about saw him asked to resign. Bill Kenwright and Mike Ashley make anyone look professional. Cook the least worst of the 3 with appointments like Brian Marwood being absurd. The Guy is woefully out of his depth.

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