Garry Cook

Re: gary cook

The perfect fumble said:
[quote="LeeOnePen As much as we'd all love for it to be true, the fans aren't the most important asset a club has.

That's a bit like saying the wheels on a car aren't the most important part, try driving without one.

Tell Alex McLeish that the fans aren't the most important asset a club has, ask Joe Royle what kept the club solvent when City were in the wilderness.

Whatever income projections Mansour has to re-coup his investment requires fans, UK and worldwide, to put their hands in their pockets. City is both a football club and a business, throughout the best part of the last 40 years crap managers and poor players have, in their own way, unintentionally conspired to bury this club as a football team and as a business, but the fans kept the show on the road.

to say the fans are not the most important part of a club is to imagine a blockbuster film that no one has seen, a pop hit no one has heard, a book no one has read, Tescos without customers.

I used to equip hospitals abroad, that was my job, I used to see buyers, health care civil servants, hospital administrators, contractors, the really important people, they used to often speak disparagingly about the lowly nurses, but you can run a hospital without all these "important" people, you try running it without the nurses.[/quote]

Top Post Blue :)
Re: gary cook

Skashion said:
Even bigger legend after that interview.

I agree, knew he wouldn't slate us like some idiots on here were saying. Cook genuinely is a City fan now and really was the making of this club, we are where we are because of him! We do owe him a huge amount and despite his errors i still wish he was at the club, he was one of the only people to stick up for us in the press at the time when we were getting it from all sides.
Re: gary cook

One thing I've learned about this club over the years is that you can never please everybody. In my opinion, Garry Cook was good for our club and I reckon history show him to be a (not necessarily 'the') catalyst to get us where we are.

He has that Malcolm Allison attitude and belief in what he does. He has a really positive, enthusiasm about him and a will to win. Sure, he made mistakes and sadly for him they were in the full public glare, but I genuinely feel the club is better for having had him as an employee.

I liked the fact he wasn't afraid of calling out what he perceived the issues with the club were, eg the inherrent negativity in the club right the way through to the fans. I might not have agreed that he used our anthem as an example of the negativity but you could understand the argument he was making.

I'm sure the naysayers will disagree with that, but I thought he was good for us. Very much looking forward to the interview as I am sure he will not slate us (I don't think he has much cause to).


Having just read the BBC piece, I'm looking forward to it even more.
Re: gary cook

Martyn said:
He'll probably slag us off. In fact im certain of it!!

Well your wrong and if and when you listen to tonight you will learn something about yourself. Nothing worse that idiots who shoot from the hip. You will be another who will prob practice "dont do as I do, do as I say"!
Re: gary cook

Realistically the job was to big for him and unfortunatly for him it was his big fat gob that cost him his job not his glaring incompetances.

Does anyone know when the book is out for Cook?
Re: gary cook

Mike D said:
Realistically the job was to big for him and unfortunatly for him it was his big fat gob that cost him his job not his glaring incompetances.

Does anyone know when the book is out for Cook?

The man that launched Air Jordan!! The job was too big for him! No
Re: gary cook

ANY1aBLUE said:
Or embarrassing another opinion.
I'll go with Gary James' opinion of the man and the evidence of a growing success that is burgeoning before our very eyes, thank you very much. Thanks for your insightful contribution though.

I'm sorry he caused you to blush though. How sad for you.<br /><br />-- Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:56 pm --<br /><br />
Mike D said:
Realistically the job was to big for him and unfortunatly for him it was his big fat gob that cost him his job not his glaring incompetances.

Does anyone know when the book is out for Cook?
Yeah, Nike vs Manchester City, which makes money and is the bigger brand...
Re: gary cook

It would be a nice gesture to have him as the next inclusion in the Manchester City Hall of Fame.

Maybe we can't as he wasn't a player. What about a statue next to the Joe Mercer one or at another part of the ground? Or name a stand after him, perhaps the Family Stand as it embodies so much of what the great man was all about.

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