Gary Neville

Could someone remind the thick **** how much higher than City’s net spend the rags has been over the last 5 years? Truly sustainable league winners my fucking arse. An utterly gormless rat faced ****.
Gormless ............. love it! A favorite word of me Nan's that used to be :-)
I live in Eccles,grew up in the area.....all my group of mates are rags,proper ones.....they fucking despise us,although one or two can be objective......most have no concept of such when we are a topic of conversation.

We can very easily fall out when talking footy,so for the sake of long friendships the subject is now mostly avoided in any depth.
Spot on, its the same here. I know a few Manc Rags and we very rarely get into footie talk, unless its about Red Scouse Scum or Pond Life Leeds where our hatred is pretty much aligned.
I had to 'educate' a Red Scouse Scum 'follower' previously who thow't it a good idea to take the piss when they beat us earlier in the season. I explained that this 'football hooligan' shite that he is always bleating on about pretty much kicks off when piss taking is evident and he would likely get a slap if he continues to come out with this sort of shite ..... a side of me, he hadn't witnessed previously!!
He very quickly STFU and has tried to be my 'bestie' ever since.
Needless to say, he is officially on borrowed time and i demonstrate this every time we are in each others company, the last time was at the weekend when he said "great win' today!" To which i replied "actually, it was just OK, the result was all that mattered. 2nd half we were absoloutly shite and played our 2nd team" To which he replied. "oh that's good"........... FFS you feel my pain fellow blues ??
it must be a different sort of money that we spend, money spent at other clubs doesnt count.

Gary i thought you would have realised by now money doesnt buy success. The clubs that are up there at the top and the clubs playing excellent football that sit around mid table have something in common, they are all run well and the owners invest the correct way. They also have a good youth academy and scouts that spot a bargain rather than agents fleecing the club with contracts. This is what brings success whether you have millions or not.
Does anyone remember the film Blue Moon Rising soon after the takeover. Seemed to have a lot of rags on it giving their sneering opinion. Remember a guy and presumably his girlfriend who were sat in a cafe and referring to us( to paraphrase)" they'll never do what we have " with his female companion nodding and agreeing sneeringly. Just wondering if anyone if anyone remembers any other rag pearls of wisdom or contempt from this film? Bet at the time they would have never expected to be accused of jealousy from one of their own or actually doing things that they haven't.
Does anyone remember the film Blue Moon Rising soon after the takeover. Seemed to have a lot of rags on it giving their sneering opinion. Remember a guy and presumably his girlfriend who were sat in a cafe and referring to us( to paraphrase)" they'll never do what we have " with his female companion nodding and agreeing sneeringly. Just wondering if anyone if anyone remembers any other rag pearls of wisdom or contempt from this film? Bet at the time they would have never expected to be accused of jealousy from one of their own or actually doing things that they haven't.
I remember Bobby Charlton said that City would never win the Premier League again after Aguero secured the late goal against QPR. I remember wondering how Little Bobby intended to stop it happening again. Perhaps he was planning to get the authorities to stop us somehow? He did not elaborate following his emotional outburst.

I remember Giggs and chums saying that they would start worrying about City when we started winning trophies. I thought this was a very stupid approach as it would be too late to start worrying at that point. The arrogant twats have been brought back down to earth since then.
Does anyone remember the film Blue Moon Rising soon after the takeover. Seemed to have a lot of rags on it giving their sneering opinion. Remember a guy and presumably his girlfriend who were sat in a cafe and referring to us( to paraphrase)" they'll never do what we have " with his female companion nodding and agreeing sneeringly. Just wondering if anyone if anyone remembers any other rag pearls of wisdom or contempt from this film? Bet at the time they would have never expected to be accused of jealousy from one of their own or actually doing things that they haven't.
I remember a rag at work saying that "They'll (City) spend all this money, win a League Cup and then disappear again".

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