Gary Neville

Neville used to be okay as a pundit/co-commentator until after his failed attempt at management. Since then he's just a bitter hypocrite who fancies himself as some sort of footballing saviour, positioning himself as a potential candidate for the "independent" regulator. Probably in a joint capacity with his new best mate Spit the dog.
Sorry mate - don't agree with that.

He's always been a rat in sheep's clothing.............

Anyone on here that's paying for Sky Sports just remember you are putting money into the 6 fingered cunts pocket along with Spitty and Tyler...Three of them should be starved of oxygen. Absolute wasters.

The rat faced bastard came into the toilet in CB level 3 yesterday as I was coming out about an hour and a half before kick off. If I had seen this before I would have pushed him in the urinal!
It's symptomatic of a general decline in broadcasting standards and indicative of a juvenile undercurrent that has permeated the fabric of a once-great broadcaster. The whole image of Sky Sports' PL coverage is now predicated on the banter and egotism of Jamie Carragher and Gary Neville.

In previous times, their behaviour both collectively and individually would not have been tolerated. Spitting at a teenage girl? Inciting vandalism and violence at a football ground? In the days of Ian St. John, Jimmy Greaves, Brian Moore and David Coleman, no such behaviour would have taken place because it would have been abundantly clear that any such behaviour would have led to dismissal.

Speaking of St. John and Greaves, they were able to have "bantz" and be light-hearted without insulting other teams and the fans who pay their wages. Sky know full well that this lamentable double act plays to the base of the fans of two clubs and two clubs only. That's why Carragher in particular wasn't sacked when he fucking well should have been. For all of their sickening lectures in morality, they revealed their hand when they didn't sack Carragher. When push comes to shove, money comes before their faux morality.

When all is said and done, Gary Neville is a fucking gobshite twat and Jamie Carragher a feral scumbag. The cult of personality and unconditional faith in their own hubris will be their undoing.
Jimmy Greaves was an excellent broadcaster. He was funny but always kind which is a rare talent.

Anyone on here that's paying for Sky Sports just remember you are putting money into the 6 fingered cunts pocket along with Spitty and Tyler...Three of them should be starved of oxygen. Absolute wasters.

This just proves that Sly's agenda for the day at a Premier league game was to diss our club about the defeat in Madrid of a champions league game that they didn't even cover.
Don't pay these cunts ANYTHING
A few years ago, I think he was happy for City to win at the expense of Liverpool. I think that's now changed. He's far more pro-Liverpool than pro-City. I think he sees what's going on at City and realises that we could dismantle all of United's records in his lifetime.
Hopefully that will also happen in the lifetime of his former manager.
Hopefully when his at Klanfield, he'll say something along the lines of

"here at the home of the club that got all English clubs banned from Europe for 5 years after murdering 39 Juventus fans"
Not strictly true. They got themselves banned for six.

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