Gas & Electricity

Octopus have offered me £5359 fixed. Mmmm stick or twist?
Tough one isnt it. I cant believe they're helping us with that shit, it feels like if prices come down we're all then stuck on massive tied in contracts. How long was the contract offer?

I am expecting our hoping the govn will apply a levy to the energy companies and that we wont be paying £6k per year, because that is just unsustainable and would cause riots eventually.

We're sticking to our variable deal, we're creatively cutting our use, not buying or cooking oven food, just heating the rooms we use, wearing more layers, maybe getting a wood burner, using the microwave a lot more. We'll see how it goes and take the govn handouts and maybe they will apply a debt cap in the spring next year.... Imagine millions of people in £1000s debt to energy companies whilst energy companies rake in the profits.. There's bound to be some action there.
Tough one isnt it. I cant believe they're helping us with that shit, it feels like if prices come down we're all then stuck on massive tied in contracts. How long was the contract offer?

I am expecting our hoping the govn will apply a levy to the energy companies and that we wont be paying £6k per year, because that is just unsustainable and would cause riots eventually.

We're sticking to our variable deal, we're creatively cutting our use, not buying or cooking oven food, just heating the rooms we use, wearing more layers, maybe getting a wood burner, using the microwave a lot more. We'll see how it goes and take the govn handouts and maybe they will apply a debt cap in the spring next year.... Imagine millions of people in £1000s debt to energy companies whilst energy companies rake in the profits.. There's bound to be some action there.
Think it was fixed for a year, I'm not doing it, if I can get through till December, than I'll be finished paying off a loan which will free up £250 for me, that will help in the new year.
Has anyone considered splitting their gas / electric tariffs and seeing if that gets you a better deal? This is what I'm currently getting, we have a 3 bed detached and are both working from home 50% of the time.

Electricity - EON Next
Unit Rate 26.686p/kWh
Standing Charge 40.230p/day
Monthly usage is approx 125kWh = £45pm, (DD is £59pm)

Gas - So Energy (Flex)
Unit Rate 7.32/kWh
Standing Charge 27.21 p/day
Monthly Usage (summer) is approx 160kWh = £20pm (summer DD is £22pm, doubles in winter)

My bills at the moment are working out at around £70pm, obviously the gas will jump a lot over the winter.

Bare in mind for electricity we have solar panels which with the current weather are basically powering the house at the moment. We only use gas for cooking.
I am with octopus and did the same last night. I was paying £1200 a year 12 months ago and my estimate was just over £7k. I actually laughed when I saw it. It’s like when you get a quote for car or home insurance from Compare The Market and you look at the highest prices first by accident before you realise what you have done. It then dawned on me that I wasn’t comparing the market, this is the best price….. It’s totally unrealistic and even those that can afford to pay it will be pissed off. The economy is going to fall off a cliff as peoples disposable incomes shrink to nothing. All sectors are going to suffer with leisure and social activities likely the first to be hit. It’s shocking seeing what’s coming down the line, and with the Tory twats fighting amongst themselves, this country is fucked for the forseeable.
That seems a ridiculous price to me..from what you were paying before I wouldn't expect estimate of more than 4 grand
Thanks. Just worked out what mine would cost using those rates against my latest annual usage. It comes out at £5132.35 a year and that's with just 2 adults in the house and my electric usage over that 12 months was less than it normally is so where they're getting average annual usage figures from to come up with these typical annual price cap estimates for families with children I've no idea. Granted those unit charges you posted are slightly higher than what they're estimated to be but even so, there's not a chance that your average family of 2 adults and 2 kids is "only" going to be paying £3500+ per annum from October, £4400+ per annum from January, and £5000+ per annum from April. In many cases it's going to be a lot more than that.

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