Gas & Electricity

well if there are any more hand outs i hope its across the board, segregating univesal credit claimants and neglecting the low paid working is totaly wrong, millions lost out during covid for eg those that were in the first 12 months of self employment didnt receive a penny, a total of 3 million people, take any reductions off at source insted of paying money into accounts will do for starters,many times money isnt used for what its intended for when its paid direct
The dropping of the levy is just until all this settles down mate, every little helps, I’d be interested to know what other countries pay for their energy and how they are handling it, I believe the French have renationalised EDF.
I get what you're saying. I feel it's a point of principle though - we have to reduce our carbon footprint, it's critical for the planet. If we suspend it, I don't see it easily re-added as it will be used by politicians to say it's a "tax hike" etc

I can't remember (I'm pushing 50) a time in the UK where millions of people will struggle to pay bills which have increased so much in so little time. Not only that were at risk of power cuts and, frankly, little sign that we will be in a better position next year. Whether nationalising it is the answer I don't know but what we have now is shocking.
Is it just me who thinks it’s mental that some of your everyday Tom, Dick and Margery’s will be working for these companies whilst being simultaneously fleeced?
We shouldn't be getting rid of green levies, we should be investing far more into producing renewable energy. We have enough tidal, wind and solar power around our shores. We need to be fair less reliant on countries who have questionable ethics. We can only do this by becoming self reliant.

Even if the levies are dropped, given the scale of rises they are drops in the ocean. I checked how much it would cost to get a new deal with Octopus and it would be 550 a month and it's not a large house, it's fairly average really. That's about 4 times what I was paying 2 years ago. It needs something much, much more interventionist from the govt as there's no way people can afford bills like that.

We shouldn’t be paying any green levies.

Government should be telling the energy companies that it’s for them to invest their profits into creating the renewables and fast and if they don’t, they won’t be providing energy for much longer.
We are with EON NEXT and could get a fixed 12 month deal for £405 per month. Currently paying £247. Seeing a few of the quotes on here and what some of my mates have been quoted, it doest sound too bad. It's still a fu@king lot though.
We shouldn’t be paying any green levies.

Government should be telling the energy companies that it’s for them to invest their profits into creating the renewables and fast and if they don’t, they won’t be providing energy for much longer.
They do, 40% of our energy is generated by solar and wind at the moment and that didn't happen by accident.

The problem is today solar is generating 30% of our energy but it isn't windy so wind is doing far less. On another day when it's windy and the sun isn't shining solar will then do less. We cannot rely on these types of renewables to generate the entirety of our energy needs because capacity isn't available 100% of the time.

Burning gas fills the gap that renewables can't fill and that accounts for 30-40%+ of our electrical generation... Gas is however now very expensive hence why your bills are expensive.

The answer is we need to replace the entirety of our gas electrical generation with nuclear, that's the long term answer and it'll mean we are completely immune from volatile gas prices. That's why the French are paying less than us, it has nothing to do with profit, it's because the French generate 80% of their electricity from nuclear, we only do 20% nuclear.
France generates 70% of its power via nuclear.
It’s target is to reduce this to 50% by 2025.
We are with EON NEXT and could get a fixed 12 month deal for £405 per month. Currently paying £247. Seeing a few of the quotes on here and what some of my mates have been quoted, it doest sound too bad. It's still a fu@king lot though.
I do think it’s a bit of a red herring this fixing lark, you are fixing the unit price mine would be fixing at 100% more than now but that’s with standing charges remaining the same, freeze those and then I get unit prices increase but not by 100% according to the experts, what they should be doing is their utmost to charge the correct amount monthly, everyone put readings in daily, weekly monthly and pay accordingly make the cunts work for their money. EDF take readings every 6 months I’m giving it them every month as the smart meters they put in don’t work, I know exactly where I am and guck them getting a penny more each month than they should.

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