Gas & Electricity

take back controll of the energy companys, share holders making billons during this climate is in the publics interest and if they cant do it legaly then move the goal posts and re write the laws like they do when it suits them but no to many conservative chums in that industry reeping the rewards to piss off, they all piss in the same pot
Don’t remember Egypt or Iran bothering about the legal niceties of nationalisation in the 50s…
We shouldn't be getting rid of green levies, we should be investing far more into producing renewable energy. We have enough tidal, wind and solar power around our shores. We need to be fair less reliant on countries who have questionable ethics. We can only do this by becoming self reliant.

Even if the levies are dropped, given the scale of rises they are drops in the ocean. I checked how much it would cost to get a new deal with Octopus and it would be 550 a month and it's not a large house, it's fairly average really. That's about 4 times what I was paying 2 years ago. It needs something much, much more interventionist from the govt as there's no way people can afford bills like that.

France generates 70% of its power via nuclear.
It’s target is to reduce this to 50% by 2025.

We have to go Nuclear. There is no viable option really, if we want energy security and not to crucify us all financially.
A mate of mine used to work in the nuclear industry but he got that fed up of writing report after report and nothing ever getting actioned, that he had to walk away from the industry as it was driving him nuts.

Oh and they can be built on a much smaller scale nowadays and safely but everyone’s bloody terrified and just sit on their hands without making a decision.
We have to go Nuclear. There is no viable option really, if we want energy security and not to crucify us all financially.
We shouldnt go nuclear.

Firstly, we will be reliant on countries where they produce the raw materials. I'm sure most of them aren't great countries that share our outlook. One day we will end up being in a position where we can't get fuel and also the power stations carry a massive risk that could kill and destroy large parts of the UK.

We should be focussing on tidal, wind and solar power. I'm sure if we got our best people working on it and had it nationalised we could do it. We would remove any dependency on some very unpleasant regimes.
We shouldnt go nuclear.

Firstly, we will be reliant on countries where they produce the raw materials. I'm sure most of them aren't great countries that share our outlook. One day we will end up being in a position where we can't get fuel and also the power stations carry a massive risk that could kill and destroy large parts of the UK.

We should be focussing on tidal, wind and solar power. I'm sure if we got our best people working on it and had it nationalised we could do it. We would remove any dependency on some very unpleasant regimes.
I suspect the answer lies in a sensible balance of nuclear with the tidal/wind/solar you mention.

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