Gas & Electricity

Don't quote me on it but splitting tariffs might be something to look at and it has worked well for us. The reason why is you don't pay tons for gas over the summer which is lumped in with the electric usage. This is what I pay:

So energy standard variable (gas)
Unit rate - 7.32p/kWh
Standing charge - 27.21 p/day
DD = £20pm, £40pm over the winter (excl price cap change)

EON Next standard variable (electricity)
Unit rate = 28.02p/kWh
Standing charge = 42.24 p/day
DD = £59pm, shouldn't really change much over the winter (except for the price cap change)

total = £80pm at the moment, I'm reckoning and hoping that it will go to something less than £200pm with the price cap changes and increase in winter usage etc.

I'd suggest anyone with a smart meter to also try the app Loop Energy, it tells you exactly day by day how much you're using and how much each day is costing you. If you have solar panels you can also add these in and it simulates the reduction in your spend. We spend about £1-2 on electricity daily, one boil of the kettle makes up about 20p of that!
Exactly the same per unit and standing charge rates I'm paying with Octopus. Unfortunately my usage is somewhat higher than yours.
Amazing how the government were able to source funds quick enough to pay their pals for whopping PPE contracts and apps which didn't work. On top of that they forked out for Furlough payments once they realised their mate's businesses would go under. Now that lower class are suffering they don't want to provide any help. Tories are cunts
This isn't going to just affect the "lower class" though - millions further up the food chain will be feeling the hit too. The government will have to do something more than what they've already proposed whether they like it or not.
This isn't going to just affect the "lower class" though - millions further up the food chain will be feeling the hit too. The government will have to do something more than what they've already proposed whether they like it or not.
Agreed, it is hitting everybody's pocket but more so the working classes where they physically can't afford these prices.
Not sure if this has been posted but some of the energy companies are suggesting a "deficit tariff scheme" which will enable bills to be frozen at the current price cap for 2 years. Reading between the lines, the consumer will foot all or most of the cost of the scheme (surprise surprise!) but it will be spread out over many years (10 to 15 years has been suggested for the bank loans to set up the scheme so probably something similar for us to pay it back) so it will be far easier to cope with than having to find the money for these huge price increases. Apparently something similar has been implemented in Spain:

How will this work if you change companies, will the debt follow you. How abou5 we cap it and the fucking greedy bastards take a hit on it. You can’t even shop around now so they’ve got you buy the balls, this government and labour to a degree have a lot to answer for if they never saw something like this coming.
How will this work if you change companies, will the debt follow you. How abou5 we cap it and the fucking greedy bastards take a hit on it. You can’t even shop around now so they’ve got you buy the balls, this government and labour to a degree have a lot to answer for if they never saw something like this coming.
It's disgusting, you're basically taking a mortgage out on your energy bill!!! What happens if this goes on 2,3,4 years do we have to pay back over 25 years? Fucking joke.
How will this work if you change companies, will the debt follow you. How abou5 we cap it and the fucking greedy bastards take a hit on it. You can’t even shop around now so they’ve got you buy the balls, this government and labour to a degree have a lot to answer for if they never saw something like this coming.
God knows mate. And you're right that the energy companies have to take a hit too - it's unfair to whack it all on us. I do think there's something useful in the idea though, but it clearly needs working on.

Have any of you guys got one of these.
Supposed to save the voltage supplied and return back to the grid.
Electricity supplied normally around 240 volts but most electrical items are set at 220 volts so in theory you are drawing an extra 20 volts and wasting it.
Bulb have recommended I change my monthly payments from £190 to £410 a month … do I do this or just ride it out ?

they wouldn't have taken into account the government's £400 rebate. I'd stick but keep an extra £200 a month into a seperate bank account. better off in yours than theirs

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