gay pride

beanie the horse said:
I think part of the wearing of flourescent jackets and various other garish outfits is to show that you don't have succumb to societal demands to dress and act normally to fit into socially accepted norms.

They are just a small section of homosexuals celebrating their difference, I see no problem with it. Life would be dull if we all dressed and acted the same.

well if my local constabulary turned up in that attire, i'd be hard pushed to take him seriously..

beanie the horse said:
I think part of the wearing of flourescent jackets and various other garish outfits is to show that you don't have succumb to societal demands to dress and act normally to fit into socially accepted norms.

They are just a small section of homosexuals celebrating their difference, I see no problem with it. Life would be dull if we all dressed and acted the same.

Heres my well thought out and erudite reply.... `eh`?
bluesharx said:
beanie the horse said:
I think part of the wearing of flourescent jackets and various other garish outfits is to show that you don't have succumb to societal demands to dress and act normally to fit into socially accepted norms.

They are just a small section of homosexuals celebrating their difference, I see no problem with it. Life would be dull if we all dressed and acted the same.

Heres my well thought out and erudite reply.... `eh`?

Eh? I don't know what you're ehing at. It seems clear and concise to me.
beanie the horse said:
bluesharx said:
Heres my well thought out and erudite reply.... `eh`?

Eh? I don't know what you're ehing at. It seems clear and concise to me.
Sorry but I still ca`nt see the significance of dressing up as road workers or steeple jacks or whatever, this is a genuine question BTW, what are they trying to represent. To say they are celebrating being different by wearing run of the mill working clothes does`nt make sense, my take on it would be the real reason is they want to be seen as `macho men` rather than camp and weak by certain sections of society, but then again I`d be surprised if people on the `pride march` also did`nt dress in pink tutu`s angel outfits and caked in make up (which is no exageration as I have worked around canal street) which sort of makes it a march of contradictions, colourful it may be but still difficult to fathom.
I don't care what you'r into but, I dont like the fact that I cant go to a bar downtown in Toronto during gay pride weekend without seeing a load of shrivelled up old cocks hanging out from a big assless chaps clad hairy beer gut. I'm not sure what's to be proud about having a two inch cock personally.

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