Gazzetta: Sneijder completes €36m move to City (continued)

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Andouble said:
poyntonblueboy said:
i`ve been out tonight, as i`ve only read this page i take it were not buying sneijder, or am i mistaken? cheers.

Journos say no, our fearless moderator says yes. Fortunately this window doesn't have another 3 months left of it.
many thanks for your reply.
Whoever it was a few pages back that said Sneijder wouldn't somehow fit into the team needs his head pulled out of his tail. Sneijder's range of passing is unsurpassed in the world game and he can do it with either leg. He is also a free kick master. The reason Bert would want Sneijder is to prove an incredibly versatile link from the guys who win the ball to Silva and Aguero. Not only that, the guy commands attention getting forward meaning there is more space for Silva and Aguero to exploit. If I had to pick one player in the world who makes City the complete package, it would be Sneijder. The thought of Toure, NDJ, WS, Silva and Aguero in the same team is mouthwatering. My Mum could play up top with that lot and the team would still do fine.
Damocles said:
Let's try and keep it civil please

So Damocles, based on what you know/have been told/believe ... are you :

a) moderately excited
b) VERY excited
Sneijder would fit in but Silva would probably have to play deeper... as he did against Inter, where he tore them to shreds. So no problem there.
Robinho's Subbuteo said:
Marvin said:
Very confusing. Looked possible this morning with an Italian paper reporting a done deal, but this has been denied by City and Inter according to other journalists.

Do you know, we've heard from a few sources that we've denied we're in for Sneijder but has anyone actually seen any quotes? I find that VERY encouraging personally.
Duncan Castles said it was a City Executive, and Bloomberg quoted Inter's CEO - I forget their name

Question is did Gazetta jump the gun or are they completely wrong? Maybe city wanted to control when the news broke and want to avoid the CS becoming all about our wes. THought the same about Nasri tho and still waiting for that one
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